Faithful Servant
Lord, Forgive me when I sin against you and take your grace without the cosinderation of the great sacrifice that you did for us...forgive me when I take YOU for granted. You are GOD the master of the universe and we should not expected that we can mold you to do what we want rather that YOU in your care and love for us grant us our wishes when it will be to your Glory and when it will edify us. Forgive me Lord when I draw away from you rather than coming near you. Remind me that without you I am nothing. Change my heart oh God and make me ever true to you! I pray forgiveness for breaking the Sabbath that you created for us not only to rest from our work but most of all to commune with you. Lord grant me your peace and your Holy Spirit to guide me and let me do your work Lord Jesus. Guide my choices and my steps. The obstacles that Satan or I myself make, please remove them from me. Please Lord in your mercy and grace grant my family your protection, peace, and grace. Bless them all--sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-laws, parents, nieces and nephews, and extended families. Please guide them all back to your path if they have strayed from you. Show them your love and help them not take you for granted Lord Jesus. I pray for the brothers sand sisters of our Church and help us not get so caught up in this mundane world that we forget the heavenly things and lose sight. Help our church which I believe has lost sight of the ever GROWING experience IT IS OF being with YOU. Open our eyes Lord to the truth! Thank you Lord for the people who provide this website to pray and I pray for those who pray here that you may grant their prayers according to your will Jesus. May YOU pour grace, love, and peace to all in Jesus name, Amen!