Beloved of All
LOrd thank you fo rhtis day. pelas make it a reall special day. pleas cometlelte dleiver all poepel form all manner of sickness and disease of al eivl. Please deive rus ofrm wars Bless Isreal. pelase remove all sickness placgues covid away form this planet. please dleiver emf orm coronaophobia ange rbitterness and resentment and dissapointment comepeltles. pelase giv eme hope even k now pelas ehal me of al metbalic disoders pelas ehal my grandma ssmall bowel obsturciton syndorme. make it eaiser today brign helaign tuch her brign healign to my fmaily. pelas heal our bodie smidns emitons please do this fo rmy hubyy too, whoever he is pelase brign permanent restoraiton of our bodie sour minds emiotions joy of the Lord please forgiv eour sisn i pelad YOur hOly blodo i thnak yu for oyu rHoly blood Lor ddleive rme and my hubyy in the lord form all evil . o al iny our power os tha tme and my ubyy recogie who we are in Chirst HUsband and Wife wheover this man is brign HIm int omy life Lord iwan to be wiht my Uhubby at he appointed itme . help emclena the house and do OYur Will. protec tus form calmities form all accident from deaht from the deivl. hela my grandma ebdridden for 7 years. im exhausted. hela my mom dleive rher form asperger syndorm. heal al my fmaily neurologically emotionally mentally spritutally dliver us form alld emonic strognholds delive rus Lord dleive rus by OYur hand giv eus lif ein abundanc deliver us Lord sav eus forgiv eus cleans eus heal us restor eus forgiv es.dleive rme and my hubyy form the Lor dofrm alle vil join us to ebeocme One flesh form YOur doign Lord YOur Glory all praise Glroy Honrou is YOurs All the praise a Glory hOnoru si YOurs God almighty do alliny our power to protect me and my hubyy , tell me who He is form alle ivl formthe deivl. Pleas ehlp me to do wha tOYu want Lord. Lord Lord i feel so lost help me please let me see OYu Lord let me see You Lord Jeus Chirst. help me to do the taks YOu call me to do . help me Lor di prais eOYu mey dleiverer!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleas ehal yme of metbalic disorder type diabetes diabete sinsipidus and my grnamda oto. pelas ehal us. pelase dnt el tme draw away form Yu Lord. pleas ehela my moms brian i beg you. i feel so aoen . pelase giv me a prayer partner a firends someoen who knows YOu Lord. strenghtne my faihtin yOu Lord heal myptsd.... pelas hela me i wanna hug.. Lor di hela me heal everhitng baout me and do the same for la peopel. le tme knwo who i am what im here for.. in thenamoe fht elord Jeus Chris. tplease make this a day filled wiht peac ein my hoem . no qurellign no meltdowns peace strenght love mrialces i dotn wanna be aloen anymore..... i feel so laoen it scuase s me anyiet yina forueign ocutnry ease this wihtin me Lor dplease in the anemof the Lord Jeus Chirst. ease wthis witing me... and i please and thank you for oyurholy Blood... i plead your Holy blood on this prayers. set me and my hubby and our respecitve fmaily free form all demonic strognholds may You be glorifed.. only m tue hubby form the Lord . make it clear who he is.. also hela B help HIm in every wa yigv ehim merry heart dleiver himf orm smokign alchahulism poverty and ungodly influence and all ungodly habits make his heart after yours Lord. help me and all peopel od oyur WIll. please odnt make your wiLL. thank youLor.d itn the nameof the Lor dJes Chirst.