Beloved of All
pleas ehal my grandma and help em care forhe rLor dhela my mom of asperger snyodrm and help me udnerstand her. iwish wshe coudl feel my feeligns and understand em. all sheunderstandis ousid esame wiht B and my brother. isnt there anyhtign ouy can so to make to better or at lease how to ocme Lord? pleas ehal my dad heart valve and keep him warm he i homelss. pelase send someoen tohelp withhis needs to fidn affordabel hosueign and provide best seniro benfits retirment income. Lor id miss my dad when will i see himagain. Life is short an dit seems it is mostly usffeirng . ia m grateful for eevrythign jsut wish there wa smore joy and less physicla nd emtnla illness insecurities in my lfie. i feell iek i always have to jsut suck it upw ith my feeligns. noone to tlak to except my grandma btu i dotn want to burdne her. i feel aloen . always ahve tojsut prented ebign well. i dont know. hwo foi cope wiht hties do i jsut suck it up? suck it upa nd besuffer.. i dotn knwo hwo doe shtis work? im lost pleas ehlp me udnerstnad and what o pray. tiem goe sby fast . pleas ehal me and my fmaiyl . no evil htoughts or evil or accident sickness deathor calmities in me and my entire fmaily and blood line and for B too and for whoeevr my hubby is. feel like im alla lone. let thie rbe good weathe reveryhwre. loRd cna oyu pelas help em wiht my grandma please? i feel so aloen vacarign fo her . even wiht my relative there. i feel so ignored forgotten no one evr intereste idn me and im sad as a result. help me wiht his Lord. why must i alwys eb so there anyhtign oyu can do? does anyoen ever care bautme? i dnt udnerstand.. its hard ot care of rothers when no on ever seems to car ebaout me.. please help em with htis. thank yuiLord