Beloved of All
Lor dplease pleaspelas ehal my grandm amy slf my mothe rmy dad and brother. pelas eif ther eis anythignoyu can do toheklp me today pleas ehelp. pleas eprovide food for my grandma peas eprovide soudnmidn joy in mym oms heart. pleas eno one yell me pleas eoyu knwo how i am so sensiiteve ot a relvtive svoice. its liek they yell and yell and yell. pleas hela their brian of asperger snyodmre. ic an thandl eit emitoinally is ther anyhtign oyu can do. Lor dim grateful tha tmy da dis comign i havent sen him in 7 years and this is an answer to praye pleas ekepe him safe an dprotec thimf orm evil. protec this comign and goign:Lor dpleas ehlp em do the following. 1 ignore mena scomment sinsutls 24/7 yellign form my relative. pelas hela them of asperger syndorme. 2. help em clena feed my grandma .pleas eprovide the medi dirnk today. and sodiooral. 3. help m clena my house, giv me wisodm to priorizie. 3. pelas ehelp me ocncentrate. i cannot ocnentrate an di am in grat distress. becuas ei have aske dmy relativ eot stop yellign but they never do. 3. please let my relativ ebe helpful and not ocmplain all dy. i ned thie rusport today . make them be niceplease, 3. pelas make them be nic epleasepelas epelase. 4. ples keeep them quiet. Pleas.e 5. plea shelp em qwith orders. forgiv em me for overpsenind. 6. if their is anyhitng i dotn need do all iny our power so i dont get it. if their is anyhtign i nee dor my fmaiyl do allinyour power so we can get it. 7. pleas eprovd em a God fearign lovign man who would be my husband my flhs and boen . whoe truly loves me and is affectionate kind and does wonders for my self sesteen. for i feel crushed by peopel. 8. pleas ehal my grandma of demenit this is most importan tcourse an dhela my mom of aspertger synodrme. ehal my dad emeotiosnall hela him of allinfeciton heal his life restore his lif ehela those mentally physcally emiotnally sick heal me of all fears phobias. pelase and hela my brothe rof shistmaien intoelrance. giv edivine mrialc epreganyncy to siste irn law wiht healthy most ebutiful baby nephews delive rhtem form dehydraitont and the source therof and also my entire fmaiyl pelas esvae rpotect and dleiver us form all evil protec tus forkm accident deaht and calamity. pelas emake me 100000 strogne rfaster than i and protducitve fruitful than evr. pelas egiv eme divine wisodm and healp and all peoell 00% make us do oyur will protec tmy da din his travels and make susr ehe easily finds the agte sthe planes and n complicaiotns and angels surround him protec thim aND DLIEVR him and heal him. protec thim form covid and form all plagus dleive rmy famiyl form all cursees and B as well dleiver us all form all demonic opression. hela restore my mind my life and dot he dsame to all peopel dleiver htose foall peopelf orm cancer heart fialure haert disease. heaklmy grandma small bowle obstrucuiotn synodrm. Plea shlp my relativ eStop blaming me for everyhitng its takign to much out of me, help them to knwo abe still and knwo your are God help me to clena the house im drained. pelas eprovide earplugs help em dbe strgn help me PLEase. thnak you. hla them dleiver themfrom anll ucnlena sspsiits cast out all unclena spsiits out oaf my fmaily may the gospel of outr Lor dJeus Chirs tbe opreache devry where. pleas eprovid eclena beddign to my dad 100% and strenght for the da yi need oyu to strneghtne me.pela smak emy ratlive top tlakign bepLEase giv em wisdom PLASe make them stop tlakign pleas epleapepla I BEGY OU HAve mercy stop the PLEas ehlp em now. and help my da have most miruclusly diivne orchestrated travle he has ever had and help me bruch my hair clena my teeth heal my bidy dieve rme form diabete isnsipidus coorna phobia germs dirt and othe rphobias giv em celar direction and folcus PLEa spelapepla plea seiv em me wisodm i need it i odnt have a lot of strnght an dfuocus pelase gi vme this also helamy dad shear miralc etravil for him every second. pleas bles shela procted an dbrign holy angels ot ministe rot him and my mom like neevr before and B as We anrd grandma dn brothe rand all peoel.ehal al sick pelas epleas plea shelp me clena house in PEACE it hena emot he Lor djue sHCirs.t