Beloved of All
Lor dplease help me i am ver ylonley and sad about my healht an dmy fmaiyl health. please ord forgiv emme of my many sins and wahs me clena in your blood your bloois my help. YOU are my only help. I ask oyu please to hela my hel my soul hel my lfie restor emy life. remove satan form my life ocmpelltey. please hal my entire fmialy my bloodline my enitre fmaily and if oyu have a husband i was mad efor him as wel and his fmaily. Lor di am so down pleas hela and restore my teeth adn do so for al my fmaily mmebers plese Lord heal my of all metbaliic issue styp 1 diabetes adn lyme disease and metbalic acidosis. Heal my grandma of dementia heal her bwoel movmeents no mroe small bowe l obstructions syndroem .please hl her narroow viens arteries heal blood clot stif there re any.plese heal her brin her brian cells hel my moym brin ehr brin cells. please giv em my entir fmaily and myslef the helaign we need to be whole Lord please hela my brothe rof histmiane intolerance please hel ym dad help him so he is no longe rhomless. Lord make me a happy mothe rof chidlren . giv eme my ownhusband who loves me an di love hima dn very happy togheter if yo arew illing. please giv emy entire fmaily life an dlfi ien abundance . Lord plase dont allow anyoen or anyhtign to contorl me or steakl my joy. break down dvision in this hoem of yours. YOu are th head of my family. be an exceleltn head to all men and may you make themen to be excellent head to the women as you are to them Lord give me the wisodm the discernement and the peace the lov ei need form you Lor dgiv eme the lvoe i ams trvign for and giv eit to all people. i have aparent who ahs asperger syndrome. i do not know why Lord but i ask that oyu please heal thier brain and becoem Lord and saviour of their life. Lor dplease dleiver me form alld emonic opression. i want to be free in cCHirst. i feel awful my hoem life my life . I ask oyu Lord ot make em a happy mothe rof children win my own home to my own husband . i pray htis for all women. i ask that every woman has their own husband and every man his won wife. Lor di do not want to have burdens i wa snot made for . reveal to me what burden oyu want me to carry and dotn elt it kill me. thank oyu. Please giv em liefe an dlfie in abundace and pelase destroy the works of the deivl in my lfie in my parent slife. giv emy parents joy in you Lord peace and joy. deliver B form alchahualisma nd smokign and lalpeopel too. dleivr lal peoel form depressiona anxiety. please cheal broken teeth and hela organs. pleas en one yell at me today. please help V in every wa.y please dont my life a lif ei want to live thnak youLor di pray htis for lalpoepel. please take away my corona phobia help me giv me the enrgy lov esupport and attention i need so i dotn cry everyday becaus eof the lakc therof. dleiver me form apersecution. heal all. protect allf orm evil. send holy angels to heal protect and minsiter to my fmaily and me. pelase dleiver me form all evil. i bg oyu coem into my lfi eLord Jeus Chirst ody poweruflyl and od the same for allpeopel. pelase lord reveal yourself o me nd all peopel. thnak thename of the Lord Jeus Chris ti pray. please hela my bod ym teeth all praise and glory and hnoru goe to you