Beloved of All
Lor dplease help in a ver ymajowr way.i askign for your devine intervention in serious way. alsomay __ birthday the bes tever. pelas eprotwcthimform all evil and guid ehimw iht oyureye. Pleas ehelp em care for my grandma. i feel so aloen Lord. pelase le tme not too sensitive to a relatives ocnstant bpssying and complaing. Lor di cant keep up. pelase ekeep toxic peopel and thguthsa wayformy ou me. please lor idm nee dhelp nurse me back tohealth. help me care of rmy grandma. Lor dim weary.. send th and angelt rillions of holy angels to minsiter to me and my fmaiyl. Lor di feel ike stuck so stuck. pleas ebrign dleiveranc eto for me form all stnic captivitiy. help Lor dhela my parens. Lor di need helaign in y body. pelase?? Lord why is my life liek this? please el tme knwo i cant od any bette rim tired have merc yLor dhv eemrcy. pelas ehalmy grandma giv eme mroe help. pleas eno intrusive htughts. please Lord do not let he deivl destor yme. dleiv r me and my fmiyl form all satnic pow re ofver us. pelase free us form all evil. pelas ehav emerc yLord Jeus Chris tplese hve emrcy . i need oyur help pleas ehal mylife. restore me and hela me i am your servant. pleas also heal and restore al peopel who nee dhelaign and dleiverance form all satnaic captivitiy. Lor dhave mercy Lor dahve mercy Lord hav eemrc yรญy nahdela me and my grsandma Lor dhave merc yLor dhave mercy mercy emrcy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy merc yplease in he nameo fthe Lord jeujs Chirs.t hav eemrc yon me plea sie