Beloved of All
Lor dplease hela my dads ankles pelas ehal his spine please dleiver form form flehs eatign bacteria . please giv ehim Your salvation. please dleiver himf orm lonliness. please ehal him emotionally. please send trillion of Holy angels tominister from Yur throen and brin g helaign to him. please Lor dhela my grandma form dementia. please heal her navel gastrointestinal issues please giv eher new hips please give her new boen tissurand muscle.s please take away all rhemetoid arthritis gout. dleive rher form severe malnutriton diarrea issues. give her strength and give her back her blking , give her exceleltn swallowing reflesh speeech blinking movementmet all movment coem bakc to her pleas eby our Holy spirit by the por of the Lord Jeus Christ. pelas ehela her form asmall bowle obstruciton syndorme. hela all he rbody and her children too and fmaily memebrs int hename of the Lord Jeus Chris.t Lor dpelase hela my mothe rof aspergers giv e her empathy ability improved by 1 trillion percent. my brther too. pelas ehal Vilike. pleas ehal all brian function in my fmaily .pelas ehal us of calcified arteired. please remove all flesh eating bacteri from my life forever and do the same for all my fmaily mmebrs. pelas eheal my of kidney disease diabetes insipidus adn metabolic acidosis and please do this for all peopel. please heal all peopel who have any sickness and disease. pelase take car eof all of us Lord Jeus chirst forgive our sins. thank YOu Lord. im sorry fo yellign at mymom pelase reconciel us. Lor dnot fellign well please send me the help I need.