Beloved of All
Lor dplease deliver my da dout of homelssnes to safe home indoors and his won pension adn may God bless my parents grandma my hubby form the lor dbrothe rhis wife an dhcild and all peopel with logn healthy happy life. Please heal and restore marriages.Lor d please guide me what i should do buy for my moym birthday this wedsndsay pleas ebless her wiht amiracle helaign of her heart teeth ugms and bones pleas ehal my grandma urgently giv eher ecxcllent bloodpressure. please heal her ofrm small bowe obstruciton ssnydorme an dplease bless all ehr food and dmedicaiton please provid ebest clothign for her pleas help me care for her and please help me over ocme intrusiv ehtoughts botu my teeht.plese hela and restore apeopel wiho hav ehigh bloso suga rhela my dads insulin to be not so hgih. please dont el tme be ill form pasta. pelas ehlp em feed clean my grandma nd clen ahoem and pelas ehal mymoms brian. pelase let thei rbe more joy in my ife. if oyu are willign i would love husband of my own to love to hold to kiss to shar emy lfie with and vice versai want form him. please giv em my own husband if oyu are willign an dlet me knwo who He is Lor dI pray for his slavation in Chirst and to always be protected safe and protected him and his fmailmy and my fmaily and otu family protected by the blood of the Lamb of God. please dleive rhimf rom all evil fals eGods idoy witschraft and my fmaily as well and myself. pelase dleiver mye and my hubby form al that is preventing us tobemoen one flehs jopined togethe rby our Lord Jeus Christ for His glory by His power and keep us jined one fesh and one in every way the pow rof hIs Holy spirit. may He MAy he prepar eus for marriage and i pray bless us wiht children helathy strogn adn followign Chirst only. Please bless my husband iwht wisdom. i pray He finds me most attractiv eWoman ever and vice versa. ipray he is ver yprotectiv elovign toward me always and may God help HImt o eb the usband Gods want shim to meeb and helps me to be th eiwfe my hubby needs.ord guid eus into all truth into YOur slavaiton anddleiverance form alle vil. protect us form strage husband and stranges wives. keep uir marriage bed holy purer and spotless. may the Lor dsanctify our marriage make our marriage Hoyl covenant he ordaisn for His glory. at HSI appoitned time. help us eb patien help em clen ahous ehelp em build the home. giv em wisodm energy foccus and deternianation like never ebfor eLOr dand same for my hubby to do the WIll of God always. pleas ehal my hubby emntally physically emotionally dleive rhimf orm all ungodly thigns habits and people. and deiver him form the deivl in every way. pelase bles shimw ith wisdom and financialy. ord giv ehim wisdom on hiw to communciate with me. and vice versa. please and htnak yu Lord. pelae also Lord help em to feed my grandma what you want me to feed her. pleas eprovide me and my fmaily dleiversnce form ghi bloos duga rhigh bloodpressure. pela ehal my mominevery wa.y thanky ou for oyur many helaigns Lord . please guid eme and my hubby always also on our devices. guid eour thought shelp us eb fulyl commited to servign oyu and embrace your WIllf or our ive. pelas epray B is dleivere of smokign alchahual for His slavaiton and may Gods WI be done in HIs ife. pelase deliver him form all ugndoly people and protec thim form alle vil at workplace. pleasebels shim financially and iwht wisdom. pleas ehal his teeth and cough and restor ehis body. pleas epra ym dads hear tbe restore and heis hmood to be exclelne tlawqaysxs and the Lor dhela shim emoitonally. pelase pray My brother to have excllenet toleranc eto histamien and processing inhis body fully dleivered of all histmaien intoleranc eby the Lord Jeus Chirst. all glory and Honoru to HIm. please Lord hela FVilike colcialism commucniation hela his brian and hela my moma dn all who need helign nerulogicay. make us all whoel. pelae dleive rhtis world form coorna viruspelas eave emrcy. pelaedleive rus form wars afmine pestience fla egOd sidol.s.deive rmemformt he lvoe of money . pleas eha l me of hsirutism type oen diabetes and also lyme disease please dleiver me my grandma and fmalmy form allinfeciton bacterial strep infection adn al illness and developmentla delays. same with b if appicabel. I pra iyn te hOly spirit Lor dpelase provide for lal our needs the need sof thos eont his site please dleive rall who have cancer tumours incurlabel disaese .pelas ehave emrcy and otuch those hela thos ehwo are hiv positviepelase do recreativ emriacle sne wsharp teeth for lal my fmaiyl for B. pelase dleiver all who are feeign suicidal dleiver them forever form such evil thoguths by the power of the hoy spirit. no weapon formend agaisnt anyoen prosper please dleiver us all form toxic thoguths an ddlieverance form fear bitterness i need deliverance form coorna phobia and insecurites. ord help my dad wiht pension. please hal him keep him and all fmaiy memebrs dwelhydrated pleas eal my grandmsa kidneys giv eher mrialce encoutner wiht oyu Lord and forgiv emy shortcomign sins. pelas ehla moold on wall pelas ehlp me repair furniture help me wiht all ym decisions. please guid em gently and giv em the strenght to do your WIla dn for lal sound power and hela all who were in accident giv ehtem your salvaiton deliverance formt he devil and helaign . pelase help all in authority to do oyur willa nd do no mistakes . pleas emake sur eno oen is out of your IWll force us ot do oyur IWll and may we have pleas ejoy fullfillment in doing so. please help me have more intimacy iwht oyu Lord and hear oyur voice more clealry. ipray htis for a lpoepel. Please save all souls by the powe rof oyur Holy spirit and Hoy blood. pelase protect al homeless ofrm cold please keep them warm safe and provide them warm sheleter and homes of their own. please make thoe in need have what they need help the widos and rorphans may the gospel of the lOrd Jeus Chir st be sorad all ove.r save my parnets my fmiay my hubyb myslef nd llpeoel hela bés heart int henameof the lor dJeus Chirs ti pray thank you for our lives. help em find bday gif tfor my mom tha tglorfies you Lor.d thnaky ou Lord.