Beloved of All
Lor dpleas eutnite me with my own husband you want me to be untied with in your perfect timign. i pray if oyu are willign toda yin thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst le tnothign separateus or oru love for oen anothe rfor your Glory Lord Jeus chiris tby OYur Holsy Spirit create the bes thusband for me best marriage best love form your heart intoour oursa lifelong covenant of oyu meand my husband lord. pelase let us haveour own place help us wiht all provision and helath and give slavatio to us and oru fmailies. brign us much joy and exceleltn livign conditions. Please odnt elt satan come between us in any way. Lord be our Heabvely Father and guid eus wiht oyur hly spirit. make us so in love iwht serivng You lord in love wiht oyu Lord and in love iwht oen another so inlove so devien from you God pelase i tne anemof the Lord Jeus chirst. Lor dhelp me do my taks today whatevr it is you want me to do. please hal my grandma of all gastro inestinal issues and hela mymother of aspegers and please hela my dads ankles his lugns. dleiver my entire form form eflehs eatign bacteria periodontosis disease. if my husband is sick in anyway be heal him of al sickness and disease. may He encoutner oyur powerfulyy.. whoever my usband is... help me to recognize him loud and clearly and vice evrsa help him whoever He is to recgnize em as His wife. dleiver me and him and all our fmailies form all evil in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst by YOur power lord Jeus Chirst. please also heal our families restore our fmailies and brign us ino alignmentment wiht serivng you and glorifying You.Lord strgnthen us and help us do OYur will. remove all satnaic attack form em and my husband and form all peopel. pelas ehal all the sick today remove all cancer tumors and flesh eaitgn bacteri a disease diabetes diabetes insipidus and also dehydraiton issues Lord pelase sned your Hoyl spirit to force yll flehs to do your Will and also to heal us restoere us :Lord jeus Chirst give all flesh wisdom adn life and lif ein abundanc.e please Help mein all area sof my lfie. Please unite me and my husbadn YOu haev for me Lord in Hly matrinony provide foru orus need spelase. please also giv eus a wonderful relationshipw f illed with somcuh love and joy and no fear ebtween us or miscommunication or misinterpreation. a connectionso devine and caus e us to have merry hearts toda yand always. please give all peopel this as well and give all peopel merry hearts today Lord. pelas eitnervene in all peoples lives and hel all flesh restore our souls. giv eus life in abundance destroy the work fot he deivl in all oru lives please Lord Jeus chirst all pwer is OYurs. forgiv eour sins. please move on all oru behalf. pelase do all in your power to dleiver those who ar eunder satanic captivity dleive rus form all satnaic captvity. in thenam oef the Lord Jeus Chirst. dleive rme and my husabdn form all stanic captivity. make it clear ot WHo my husband is brign us toghter by OYur power and for YOur glory. Pleas dont elt anyoen or anyhtgn coem between me and my usband. please hela all my relationships by the power of YOur hols Spirit as well and His relationship be helae dby the power of YOur Holy Spirit int he ameo fhte Lord Jeus Chirst. please Hoyl spirit be louder to em today than ever. giv eme sttrenght energy motivat eme help me uplift me purify me and my husband and all peopel . all for oyur glory and by your power send your holy angels all of them to minister and help all peopel. pelase giv em the words to sepeak let me seak only what oyu wnat em to let me hear only what oyu wantme to Lord Jeus no itnrusive thoughts for me or anyo en no ocd no fea rno anxiety today or eevr againf or anyoen int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirt. please ldiever alpeopel form all substance addiction internet addiction any tiype of addiction.Lord Jesu Christ do all in your power to save al peopel and restor eour live s our souls and giv eus life lif ein abudnance.Lord Jeus Christ pelas hela my grandma .deliver her form dementia giv eher life and lif ein abundance pelase and do the same for lal peopel. pelas ehal Vilike. hela my mom adn brothe rof asperger sif they hav eit. dleive rme form all my insecurities Lord. Lord jeus Christa nd ym husband too.. whoeevr he Is el tme knwo WHo He is and let HIm know I am His wife.... maike it super clear to both of us by the Powe rof YOur Holy Spirit. pleas ient hename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. dont elt m let any insecurties doubts other peopel prevent me or anthign form stan no weaponed formed against me and my husbands union prosper. please Lord do all iny our power to join me and my husbadn ogther by YOur Holsy Spirit heavenly conenction alt he day osuf our lives. Please also dleive rus ofrm all idols and please Idlieve rmy entire fmialy form idols and form satanic thoughts fears insecurities or limitaitons ony ou LOrd Jeus Chirs.t haveemrc yon my sins. help me Lor di be you help me do the taks you want me to do. restor m to healht resotr m mom to health bless her. and pleas en omore micummunication beteen me and another humand beign again. thank OYu Lord Jeus Chirs.t help me in every way Lord Jeus Chirs tplease.