Beloved of All
Lor dpleas eprovide my grandma th ebst care the bst food the best bad so we cna go otu side. pelas edo all iyn oru power to heal her all iny our power Lord ot asave and heal all my fmaily mebers. pelas eod all iynor power to reahc us all Lord and to destroy everyhitngin oru lives that destroy us.Destory the works of the devil Lor dJeus Chirst rescue us save us forgiv eus heal us. Save us Lord. pelas heal my grandma please dleive rher form ll manne rof sickness nd siease. pelas ehelp em do your wil.pelase no oen yell at me today. pelase giv em ymom and grandma cheerful hopeful hear itnt he Lord dleiver my famiyls thoughts form all evil. pelase brign helaign to our dry pleaces in life. pelase refrehs us restroe and and help us to quickly obyey oyu Lord please giv eus livign water. pelas ehela all who have cancer deliver all peole form all ucnlean spirits. pelase odnt allow any unclean spirit sot defile anyoen Lord. heal oru hearts clean our hearts. make our hearts pure toso we can all see Your.Lord if my hear tis goign astra.y. brign me back toy OU swifitly. le tme love oyu with all my heart lord. pelase my God. help