Beloved of All
Lor dpleas ehela my diabete sdiabete sinsioidus and al peopelw ho have blood sugar issues insulin issures tumor plea se remove remove all cncer Lord remove form em cosntant dehydration. pelas eheal my grandmother who is bdridden pelase helpw ith my baby neic ein every way keep her safe and also strogn healthy and exceleltn delivery in hospital. pelase protect her and her parents and all peopel from covid and form all manne rof sickness and disease. pelase elt my brothe rhave a sound mind and also fil himw ith YOu Holy spirit and also allt hepoeple today. pelas emiraculoulsy haeal miy grandma dear Lord jeus chris thelp me feed her clean her. hep me communicatr ewith my om today. pelas ehal my dads spinal fractur ehela his bones and protect hima nd my whole fmaily form al evil protectiona t all tiem by our Lord and savior the Lord jeus Christ. Lord if you have a hsuband for em tell me and HIm that w are to marry accordign to YOur Will.Lord please let me know if you know Who is truly my husbadn form You ro jsut dream and i shoudl dismiss it alltogether pelas forvie me for being lazy. pleas ehal my grandma sblood pressur eurgently