Beloved of All
Lor dpleas ehav eemrcy my lfi eis really so har.d pelse hela mymom of asperger syndorm pelase Lor dhel my grandma and heal us al of flehs eatign bacteria. Lor dplease ocme into my life liek never befor ean my fmailies life protect us form evil. Lor dplese have mercy and be there fo rus in a strogn way. i cant do this aloen anymor eplease ocme into my lfie Lor di need you please help . im so drianed adn please hela me please coem into my lfie please also hela my uncle heal my dad and rother heall al peopel fo illness pelas ehve merc yheal us all Lor dJeus Chris tpleae heal my mtohe rof asperger snydorm i beg oyu. what is hti swhy does she have it? im so lonel ypelase giv em a husband i can be mylsef wiht and vice versa soemoen i cna be happy with and no so aloen. pelase Lor dhav emercy. pelas ehal my grandma Lor do everyhtign in your power to help me and my fmaily. please dliever us all form all emntal illness adn formt he devil:Lor dJeus Chirs tall praoise glory and hOnoru goes ot oyu God almight ypelase coemitno my parent slive sheal them pelas brign helaign pleas ebrign helaign into my life i want to whole and heale dand clean and all peopel to mpelas ei ebg you pelase healevnly fathe rheal also neighbour. dleive rhim form smoking and alchohalul. giv em e and my fmaiyl hope in Chirst today. Lor di beg oyu. Pleas ei beg oyu Lord please come into our lives. please pleas epelas eLor dpleas eint henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t please giv em hope Lor dplease giv em hope in YOu. im tried and drianed. pelase i need oyu Lord ot do a mriacoucle and restor em ylife and of rmy fmialy and dleive rus ofrm all eivl. Lord dotn make me go throught is aloenanymor ei ebg oyu PLASE dotn make me go trought his aloene. i feel so aloen i ebg oyu Lor di ebg oyu . i cant do this aloen. pelas ehave emrcy Lor dplease have mercy Lord hav emercy have mercy have emrcy Lor dplease!!!!!! in the nameo fthe Lord Jeu sChirs theal me and my fmiala dn all peopel .pelase dleive rus form all eivl. LOR DSPEAK to me please speka to me like neve rbfore speka to me speka to me speak to me so i can here oyu clearly and protper tone. speak Lor dspeak speak open my hear smy hear tmy mind my eyes speak im hurtign speka ot my hurt speka to my sorrow hel me help me hela my broken heart Lor dhelp pleas ehal all rboekn hearts PLEAse lor dJue sChirst please ocem into my lfi ein a bgi way. i need oyu i cant do this on my own help me. pelas ehal me hela me pelase dlieve rme form all the flresh eaitng bacteira dleiver me form worry. LOR dpelase pelase pelas ehave mercy be i need you please.