Beloved of All
Lor dpelase heal me and my fmaily please give oyur salvation fto all my fmialy memer spelase guid eus into all truth. pelase forgiv emy sisn Lord Jeus CHrist be the Lord and Savior of my whole household and he world. Lor dguid eme please bless me wiht myown husband form oyur hands Heavenly Father int he name of the Lord Jeus CHirs tname i pray. pelas ehal my of all dehydration probelms depression btiterness. pelas ehal my grandm asmall bowel obstruction dleiver my fmaily form all diseases and ressurect oru bodies. ahvercy Lord Jeus Chist please heal me. im very tired pelas ehlp em care for my grandma. Lor ddliever me form every false way every false God and may i walk in truth know truth and speka truth and fight for turht . dleiver me form every lie of the devil and pelase od the same for all. pelase dleiv rB form all fals eGdos witsch craft smokign drinkign. int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus CHirst. pelase dleiver my grandma form dmeenti.a pelase hela amy teeth hela my brothers teeth my moms and ads. Lor di need you to pelase gi vem hope and strenght. ahve mercy Lor dpleas ehar my prayer. lead my Lor di need oyu pelas ehelp me..