Beloved of All
praise reprot. thnak you Lr dof rhelaign of teth adn jaws. pelas eprovid eme a husband so im not so loenels . i dont liek ebign lonely. please i reallreally odnt wan to eb single anymore pleas eprovid emy fmialy mro ehelp pela shela my grandm aim exhausted an dits makign me sin. i odnt want o be angry frustrated but IM so tire d. i feel so aloen so unseen so unherd. i ahte beign a woman. nobdoy ever cares baout women. or at elast me. i pray Gdo pelas eblessmy wiht a HUsband who cares ive waited so long i dotn wanna wait anymore why do ialways hav eto be so lonely and im so weka form diabetes. i jsut want to be happy and i want mroe help wiht caregtivng i m so tired of not haivng enough strenght form illness. no oen ever cares about me an dit shurts like helll. LOr dhelp me. Lor dpelas ehal mye and my fmaily and giv eus your salvaiotn and deliverance. i am sorr yof rmy sisn I pelad your Hoyl blodo and merc.y if eel so aloen Lor dwhen wil i ever eb not os aloen. Pleas eteach my mother boundaries please i felt so overwhelemd today and gav iento tewmptaiton. Lor dpleas epelas epela sheal my moms rbian and help her to calm down i cant be on edge 24/7. also im very tired so tired. hav emerc yi thank yu for ehaign miracl eblessing. pelas heal my rbothe ran dhis fmaiyl ofrm covid giv ehtme your salvation nd pleas ehal my dad hear valv ean dgiv ehim oxygne ot his heart. LRO di beg youw ith sall my heart an dosul. i plea di ebg oyu pelase pleas epelase tak eaway our wrath form my life.ves mts hard erand hard ran dharde rand harder to keep gign. i odnt wan to even tryim so alone. i cant even be a good eblive ri dotn want to be aloen anymore. pelas egiv em a husbyand who loe and i odnt wan to do life alone anymore. pleas ehlp me do the irgh thting even when itsw so hard. pelase pela speela provide mobile ebd of rmy grandma ressurec the dea dant sbakc ot life. im sorr yi was so angry and frustrated. plese hela my grandma pelase ge tird of those ants no mro eants pests mold in hous iem so tire dof clenaign and clenign and cleanign and clening acnlaeinPLEASE make soemthing fo rme