Beloved of All
Lor dmy siste irn law is gingin birth today to my neic .lro dthnaky ou for blesisng them with the fruit of the womb . bless my neice alsways and he rparetns guide them wiht YOur hOly spirit. force al peopel to obey Hoyl spirit today. please let their be a safe easy deliver yof the baby girl.please let them name the baby the name you want tha tbaby to have ( Force htis is necesary) Pleas eholy spirit speka strongl to them which name an dhow to rais eher. send trillions of of Hoyl angel to minister to the baby. Pease pleas pleas eintervene and make sure the deliver yo fthe bbay is healthy no problems no pain even and that th baby wil bring helaign to oru fmaily. Pelase giv eth ebaby best care ever possible. best nutrtiton water and exceleltn health and viitmisn everyhtign so the baby is very well ine xceleltn healht and the parent soto. pelas ehelp all hospital staff to attend to adn make thise delivery exceleltn. pela seno brith complications. help my siste irn law and brothe irn every way to accomodate thir needs. best hopsitla care. please also give them soudn mind and calm and exclelent hopsitla food. pelas ehela my brother of histmiane intolernac.e sroound them with hoyl angels. pelase let the baby be exceleltn perfect weight. please remove all unclena spirits generation curses from the paretns and baby an entire fmaily blod lien. Holy Blodo oft eh Lord Jeus Christ be upon the baby and also the parents at all times. i please the Holy blod of the Lord Jeus Christ on my entir efmaily blod lien. Lord Jeus Chris do alliny our power to make sure the delivery ha sno accidents adn no dleiver the fmaily form all evil. pelase bring dleiveranc eand do all iny oru power to give the bed medical nutritional aid best doctory midwives best mdicatione veryhtign best of th best divinely orchestrate dbt he Lord je suC hris tot all dleivirng babies today escpeicall my siste rin law deliveirng my neice. Lord Help my brother to be wise and help His wife . Please do all nyour power to help himas wll. guide HImw ith oyur holy spirit and his wife to adn baby too. prepare them for their baby .pelae brign healign to their marriage if need be. please make sure the baby is health yLord and strogn exceleltn wight surount h baby and bless the fmaily with excelelnt helaht soundmind powe rlove. Please be glroified today Lord and help them knwo how to care for the baby. brign hep to them.sróuroround them wiht triliosn of Holy amngels suporting them Lord have mercy pleas ehal al in hopsitaly. Gudie all hsopital staff tooby you wiht oyurHoyl spirit . gudie all cre givers. bless th baby thank yoU for Blessing. please do all in OYur power to help her grwo strogn an dgive her exceleltn health and make her whoel in Chirst. thanky oU for Blesisng her to our fmaily. Pleas ehelp my brother. help him to stay calm and send Holy angels to help HIm minsite rto Him and even guide him as he beocme a dad and liek wise do the same for my siste irn law. please be present wiht them Lord always. send trillionso fo Hoyl angels minsiterign to the m the gospel of the lord jeus Chirst an dhow Chris tgave them the baby to rais eup to lvoe and care for and rtrain he r itn he way of the Lord. Please aslo equip them for all thigns. please may th ebaby be healthy and strogn . exceleltn strong heartbeat. bron perfect timing. strong lungs and also siste rin law no dleivery complications. Lord send Holy angel to my siste ri law's womb positiont he baby so the bay esily comes out of the womb and breathes easily has perfect respnse to stimuli. healthy and whole in every way. praises the Lord Jeus Christ. Bless the baby and th eparents. please let heir be no accidents emergencies. pelase brong healing if their need shelaign repidly Lord. pelas ehelp baby . giv baby exclelnt ciculation and food and all nutrints. everyhtign the baby needs please provide for the baby and fmaily.pelas provide formy fmailys needs. all glro goes to YOu Lord Jeus Christ. please send trilliond of Hoyl angels and remove all obstacles delays or unclena spirits form the lives of all my fmaily meebrs. all prais eand Glros to You. Pleas ebless and strenghtne the baby. Please also hela my grandma form tumor and form allsickness and disease. pleas ehal my dads spinal freacture. pleas ehela my mom in every way. forgive my sins. Pleae givme my fmaily life an dlif ein abudnance. please forgiv emy sin.hela lal ont his site and their fmaily memebrs. bring salvation to all.forgive my sisn Lord. pelase helpw ith al tasks int hename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. please ehal Vilike and give Him Your salvaiton best care evr and hla his mom. hela his body in every way and protect him and my whole fmiyl form evil. delive rus ofrm lal evil. all prais ehonoujr and Glro yi yours. Praise ot YOu Lord Jeus Chirst. have mercy. pelase.