Beloved of All
Lor dim aksign oyu to please help me wiht my life. im sorry for acciedntally steppign on that sani should hav eputit wa oyut of reach. Lor dim very very ver yupset about what happned a couple nights ago an di need oyu peace an dhelaign now. liek noe. also pelase heal my od diapbete sinsipidus and my grandma hela her body mind emotiosn every htign.s orry for goign beserk on my mom yestrerda yim ver ytire odf beign over worke dna dim nto takign vcare of myslef. Lor dim askign oyu to pelase giv em e a husband whos eheart owudl neve rcheat on em and vice versa. Lor doyu can do this i beg please do this. pela sebefore i turn 34 giv eme my own husbadn who woudl never chep on me who would lvoe me liveke Chirt and vice versa. Lor dim so upset baout wha thappened oyu knwo what. im so upset also about my teet i know oyu have heale dmy teeeth so mcuh please continue to heal my teeth and my brothers teeth and my moms. Lro dpelase giv eme a mobiel bed for my grandma before sunday. pelas ehelp me clena house by sunday and also hav eosme rest on saturda.y Lor dhelp me clean diapers feed grandma ignore other realtives rants. pelas ehelp her to quickly forgive and pelas eno meltdowns. pelas ehelp her turn to oyu Lord. Lor dpelas ebless my parent sheal them emotionalyl physciall yn mentlal y spiritually. restore their marriage in holy matrimony if oyu are willign Lor.d pelas ehal my moms form asperger syndorm hela her of alexythemia. hela all communciation disdoders in my fmaily life. for lal peopel. help us ot lvoie you God aand truly cokmmunciate effectivenel.y pelase help me mom kwnow when to yellat em and whennot oto. ic an thave all day yellign at me. im weary of this . i wish could see my emotions for what they really care not jsut outside so pelase giv eher insight into my heart and mond an dvece versa. Lor di lov emy mother but i odtn want to be the onyl oen helpign her. pelase send holy angel poepel itn he fmaiyl ot help her do all iny our powee ot bels sher help her heal her guide her and dlei er dher form all satanic bondage in the namef the lOr dJeu CHirst. Lor dplease hela my dad heart valve. and my momy heart heal their brians their blood pressur eblood sugar dliever them form all neagtive emotionay includign resentment bitternerss unforgivensss ahtred all forms of evil. dleiver them form all unclena spirits pelase Lord of royur glroy and by your power lor dJeus CHirst. Lor dplease also od the same for me. Lor ddliever me for beign angry about resentment towarfs family. show me where i cna improve and be happier. pelas ehlp me be happier. i am tire dof opression if thei is anyhtign oyu can do to dleive rme from satniac bondag epelase od so Lord Jeus VCHirst. Lor dwhen im overworked i have tendency to get angry but the worl is soo mcuh. Pelas ehlp me overcoem corona phbia. dleiver dleiver this world form corona virus panemdiny famiens diabetes type 1 diabete sperodontosis diease pelase remove all witshccrafts every occult ove rmy life my husbadnf rom you God slife whoever he is keep him faiht ful commited to you Lor dpelas eno ocunterfeit husband. hela whoever i can form his rib pelase od nto allow himt o cheat on me in hisheart or anywy. pelase let him be faihtful to yu Lor dan dme. guid emy husbadn fromt he Lord wiht oyur Holy sporit Lord may he find me befor ei turn 34 marr yme befioere i turn 34 ove me forever and vice vaers anever cheat on me. meay he be so inlove iwht me that impossibel t cheat on me. Lor dplease show me who you want em to marry. and show me to HIm whoever He is tha tim his wife. no strang ehusbnd for me. also pelas edlievder the neight bour form all eivl, form bad language ( eme too) giv ehim your slavaiotn helaign of his teeth and please may he do your will always help him do the roof pojuest remind him that he said he woudl do it send himt he right helpers and also help him get the materials miracuolously provid eus new roof Lor.d bless al thos ehelpigjn hus. im so hrut about what happend Lord. and oyu kn wo what happend i dotn . so pelase guid eime into all truth about who my husband is. Do allin yourpower so my husband formyou God stays faihtfula nd loves you Lord and dleiver our union form everyhitng preventign us to be together an done flesh. Please tell my mom to pelase giv eme SPace please Lord tell her i need space to think to pelase hkeep her mind to oyu Lord i dotn want to be burdened by contantyl her compaloign it s too mcuh.pelase i knwo wha it need to odo i dotn need naggign and over work. I odnt egt alogn wiht my mother and i feel so much pressur eLor di want the best for hr if you can pelase htel her to pelase giv eme mair top breathe i cant get htigns done like this it stoo distarctign everyhitng too disctractign help meLor dleiver me form mentla illness. PLease ehlp me GOd i feel so misunderstood. no oen to turnt o abotu my feeligns. Lor dpelase coem itno my lfie be real to me be my fathe rtalk to me please.also mirculously heal my grandm form blos sugar idssues hydeien issues. no mroe anty all ove rhe rgiv eme a break pelase ofrm the pests. Lor dpelas eprotec tmy mind emy meotions form anger bitternesse evil prottect my htoughtns. LOR di need soem emotional support pleas eprovide me soem emotinal supper Lor di need some support financial phycial mental loce LGod pelase giv em what i need pleas eodnt let the enym take away am huabdn my husband is mine. Lor di want to you please gfight for me and myhusband you joined me with. fight for us do al in your powee to join me and my husband to be oen flehs woheevrt his guy is. pelase God have mercy .please forgiv emy sins. Lro dpelasep.ease help me wiht my takss oggint o post office ogignt