Those things we hold dear to our hearts on earth we will not be able to take them to heaven. It will stay here on earth for ages to come. So, they are no looses at all, they are entry ways to show the hand of the Lord leading our path to heaven. Wake up calls comes around us all the time when we hear draught, famine, sickness of all kinds and the rise of sin and evil. The earth is telling us that the end is near and that Jesus appearing in the sky will soon happen. When we feel that we are standing on the edge of something unknown we must recognize that it is Jesus telling us. I am coming soon....
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strenght, they will soar with wings like eagles says the Lord.
Remember this my beloved, the kind of life Jesus offers us is different of what the world offers us. It is an eternal one. He clearly said. Thou shall not die, but live. Believe, trust and wait. Jesus will come back anytime soon.
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strenght, they will soar with wings like eagles says the Lord.
Remember this my beloved, the kind of life Jesus offers us is different of what the world offers us. It is an eternal one. He clearly said. Thou shall not die, but live. Believe, trust and wait. Jesus will come back anytime soon.