Love that song that says. Face to face with Christ my Savior.... beautiful song. My heart longs to see His smiling face, welcoming me and those who believe, trust and wait for Him.
I am waiting for His return anytime soon.
The Apostle Paul reminder to the Corinthian Church is reflected in the words of this well known hymn "Face to face. What will it be?" This question is especially meaningful because we shall see Him as He is.This would be a privilege to have such an encounter with the one who had purchased our redemption more than two thousand years ago.
Not even the Apostle Paul had had the experience to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ in person although Christ appeared to him on the Damascus Road. Hence Paul declared that he was the least of all the Apostles.
Meeting Christ would mean that our hopes,expectations and joy would have been fulfilled.
Not to be able to see Jesus Christ would mean rejection and condemnation.
I am thinking of another song which says, ;
Oh I want to see him to look upon his face,
There to sing forever of his saving grace.
On the streets of Glory let me lift my voice,
Home at last,cares all pass,
ever to rejoice.
Only the pure in heart shall see God. Blessed are the pure in heart ; for they shall see God.We know that it is because of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ why he will one day be made visible to us
"But without holiness none can see the Lord.For us to see him face to face we have to make a radical transformation between now and then because we stand completely righteous before God in Christ, once we are glorified and forever made sinless ,and will be able to see God and live..Someone on e said"The most astonishing sight we can behold is not streets of gold,or gates of pearl,or loved ones who have gone before,it will be coming face to face with the Saviour"
Like JobI am struck with the realization that I myself will see him with my own eyes.....I and not another(Job 19 v 27)
Entering into that joy I believe that I will fall prostate at his feet for my joy would have been complete.
"Face to face I shall behold him."Help me Lord!