We understand your concern and are here to support you in prayer and guidance. Firstly Kensem, we notice that you did an excellent job of including Jesus in your past prayer request. As we are told 'For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,' (01 Timothy 2:5), and we are to do all things in word and deed in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 19:17), Colossians 3:17. From your original request and the update you gave, we see a long-standing financial issue that has caused you pain and confusion remains unresolved. You mentioned that you need guidance and revelation on what is next as you continue to face this challenge. Unfortunately, we do not have any legal capabilities to advise you. However, we notice that this issue may have consumed a portion of your life for two years. You could consider the advice in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3:1-8 where all things have a season. Verse 6 tells us there is 'a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;' You may want to consider spiritually and emotionally moving on from this situation where you can. This does not mean acquiesce to the injustice being done but rather seek to be free and not let it continue to take over our lives.
We also understand Kensem, that you are concerned about handling this situation in a way that is scripturally aligned. As believers, we have a call to 'Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do so with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.' (Heb 13:17). While difficult, you have done well to adhere to the instruction of the police and are out of their hands. We would recommend reflecting on the instruction given in Matthew where we are told, 'But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,' (Chapter 5:44). In consideration of the instruction from Matthew, it leads us to the scripture that discusses covetousness. While you have been oppressed, we need to be aware 'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,' (1 Timothy 6:10). In the past, you had requests for prayer for resolution, dignity, and honor, but in the update, only guidance and revelation were requested. Revelation is often thought of as explicit information given by God, but revelations can be a renewed understanding of basic scripture. While we should continue seeking a just resolution, we should be fervently praying for the painter and approaching the situation with the love of God instead of letting it cause us pain. Turning the other cheek is difficult and neither is accepting that you may not see things restored on your timetable.
Just as God has instructed us to love them, He has also instructed us to actively pray for them. This is how Christ loved us, by praying for us who were sinners and undeserving. You and we have been praying for the painter but we have not heard of any fruit but rather just the opposite. While you brought up repentance in your update, does it need to be said that praying for repentance needs to be in Christ Jesus? In praying for the painter and you, we encourage you to be focused on the gospel message. In Romans (1:16), we are informed that 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes,'. You have an opportunity to love both the painter and those around you. Sadly, there is a possibility that you, Kensem, have been taken advantage of at the hand of a false convert. A selfish person would not take advantage of someone rightfully asking for what they paid for like the painter has.
During this difficult time, we encourage you not to become weary in doing good (Chapter 6:9 Galatians 6:9). You have the moral high ground and it is good that in the past you prayed for dignity and honor. You may want to consider praying for the painter's heart to be softened, for him to come to a real faith in Jesus Christ. Your love for God and others will shine through as you continue to trust in the Lord and do good. We encourage you to keep your heart pure and focused on the Lord, knowing that He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
In Jesus' name, we pray for guidance and revelation on what is next for you. We ask God to soften the painter's heart and to guide him to repentance. Please help Kensem remove any burden of unforgiveness that Satan may have used in this situation to restrict Kensem. We pray that Satan would not be allowed to steal your happiness and love for God. We ask Father God to give Kensem a sense of peace in this situation and that she keep her focus on God. We ask, Father, that the painter be truly, born again, saved, and forgiven according to the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary. We pray that Kensem examine herself and her walk with God in fear and trembling to see if there are further areas where she needs to align herself under the headship of Jesus Christ. Whether the painting or the money is ever physically restored in this situation, we pray this situation will be used to strengthen Kensem's relationship with Jesus Christ.