Disciple of Prayer
So I have posted twice before about this, I'll copy the info in below under 'PREVIOUS PRAYER REQUESTS'.
Basically, I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week (my first interview in forever). They said I was a good candidate, but because it was an afternoon/evening shift, and public transport becomes super sketchy/unavailable at those times, and I don't have a car (too poor), they didn't want to take the risk that I wouldn't turn up.
That's understandable, although unhelpful.
To make matters worse, I had to take a day off work to travel to the interview.
As a result, the recruitment agency I am employed by is punishing me by only giving me 3x half days of work this week. (Even the usual 5x half days is not enough for me to pay rent.)
So, it's almost certain now that I will get evicted as my rent falls further into arrears. And with no family, and nowhere to go, that is a devastating option.
I have looked at the cheapest possible accommodation I could think of - moving into a dirty, low quality hostel - but in my city, they cost more than my current rent, lol.
Almost all my bills - electricity, gas, water, internet, phone - I keep missing the payments on.
I'm drowning here, even though I'm working as much as I can.
(And my job is not that easy - I travel a four hour round trip to do four hours of hard labouring (the company has squashed the entire shift into four hours because they are losing money and can't afford for us to work longer, so we have to work like crazy or else you don't get rostered for the next day).)
I've also been studying part-time at uni for the last few years, to try and improve my future. But I don't have enough money to continue paying for the course. This will likely mean that I need to drop out - because you have to make enough academic progress every semester to satisfy the rules, but I could only pay for one subject this semester. (I originally registered for 3/4 subjects this semester, and had until end of March to pay, but as I came under spiritual attack, my job reduced my work and I could only pay for 1, and now I can pay for no more...).
This means the last few years of my life in which I have been applying myself to study will all have been for nothing.
I am reminded of Christ in the boat, when the waves picked up and the disciples started to freak out, and he told them to chill, saying they had to just have faith.
Except ... in my case, my entire life is being trashed and is going to zero in every way.
How long will the Father wait to act? Will he wait until I am homeless, in debt, dropped out of my studies, have nothing?
How is it helpful to have a God like this?
I am so over praying for help, and trying to withstand this spiritual attack so that the devil will flee.
My life started badly, and has only seemed to get worse. This has caused me to reflect and realize that God has never raised me up in any way. So why should I keep trying to withstand the spiritual attack for a God who is always silent, and who doesn't seem to care about me?
As the title of my post says, I am getting to the end of my tether. Why should I keep walking with Him if he never acts for my good?
Thank you if you have read this far.
And thank you for your prayers.
Original prayer request:
In 2023, I sought the Lord in prayer, asking Him daily about how I could serve Him. This was my first time so boldly asking God this. He gave me His answer at the very end of 2023, and I made a decision in my heart to commit to doing it. Cue 2024 starts and I start undergoing a spiritual attack. I've been through minor spiritual attacks before, but this is the most comprehensive attack I've experienced by many orders of magnitude. Everything has been going wrong - relationships, work, finances, and for the first time in my life, I have been given an eviction warning. I'm currently 12 days in arrears because my company reduced my hours severely and I haven't been able to find more work. The rental company said if I get to 14 days behind, they will evict me. I'm a pretty stubborn guy, but it's May now, and this spiritual attack shows no signs of stopping, even though I continue to resist the devil. Prayer would be greatly appreciated.
I have a job interview tomorrow, and if I get the job it will be me more working hours and enable me to pay off my rent arrears, and all my overdue bills etc..
This couldn't come sooner, as my finances have even worsened since I made my original prayer request above. I had been paying weekly rent, although, due to my reduced hours this year, not enough, hence the arrears build up. But last week I wasn't even able to pay any rent.
Hence, I am closer to eviction than ever.
I really need to do well in this interview and get this job. I am very nervous because there is so much pressure on me to do well in this interview.
I have no family, so if I get evicted, there will be nowhere for me to go.
I request your prayers that my interview goes very well, and that I can start my new job next week. But ultimately, that the Father's will be done.
Thank you, and may you be blessed.
So I have posted twice before about this, I'll copy the info in below under 'PREVIOUS PRAYER REQUESTS'.
Basically, I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week (my first interview in forever). They said I was a good candidate, but because it was an afternoon/evening shift, and public transport becomes super sketchy/unavailable at those times, and I don't have a car (too poor), they didn't want to take the risk that I wouldn't turn up.
That's understandable, although unhelpful.
To make matters worse, I had to take a day off work to travel to the interview.
As a result, the recruitment agency I am employed by is punishing me by only giving me 3x half days of work this week. (Even the usual 5x half days is not enough for me to pay rent.)
So, it's almost certain now that I will get evicted as my rent falls further into arrears. And with no family, and nowhere to go, that is a devastating option.
I have looked at the cheapest possible accommodation I could think of - moving into a dirty, low quality hostel - but in my city, they cost more than my current rent, lol.
Almost all my bills - electricity, gas, water, internet, phone - I keep missing the payments on.
I'm drowning here, even though I'm working as much as I can.
(And my job is not that easy - I travel a four hour round trip to do four hours of hard labouring (the company has squashed the entire shift into four hours because they are losing money and can't afford for us to work longer, so we have to work like crazy or else you don't get rostered for the next day).)
I've also been studying part-time at uni for the last few years, to try and improve my future. But I don't have enough money to continue paying for the course. This will likely mean that I need to drop out - because you have to make enough academic progress every semester to satisfy the rules, but I could only pay for one subject this semester. (I originally registered for 3/4 subjects this semester, and had until end of March to pay, but as I came under spiritual attack, my job reduced my work and I could only pay for 1, and now I can pay for no more...).
This means the last few years of my life in which I have been applying myself to study will all have been for nothing.
I am reminded of Christ in the boat, when the waves picked up and the disciples started to freak out, and he told them to chill, saying they had to just have faith.
Except ... in my case, my entire life is being trashed and is going to zero in every way.
How long will the Father wait to act? Will he wait until I am homeless, in debt, dropped out of my studies, have nothing?
How is it helpful to have a God like this?
I am so over praying for help, and trying to withstand this spiritual attack so that the devil will flee.
My life started badly, and has only seemed to get worse. This has caused me to reflect and realize that God has never raised me up in any way. So why should I keep trying to withstand the spiritual attack for a God who is always silent, and who doesn't seem to care about me?
As the title of my post says, I am getting to the end of my tether. Why should I keep walking with Him if he never acts for my good?
Thank you if you have read this far.
And thank you for your prayers.
Original prayer request:
In 2023, I sought the Lord in prayer, asking Him daily about how I could serve Him. This was my first time so boldly asking God this. He gave me His answer at the very end of 2023, and I made a decision in my heart to commit to doing it. Cue 2024 starts and I start undergoing a spiritual attack. I've been through minor spiritual attacks before, but this is the most comprehensive attack I've experienced by many orders of magnitude. Everything has been going wrong - relationships, work, finances, and for the first time in my life, I have been given an eviction warning. I'm currently 12 days in arrears because my company reduced my hours severely and I haven't been able to find more work. The rental company said if I get to 14 days behind, they will evict me. I'm a pretty stubborn guy, but it's May now, and this spiritual attack shows no signs of stopping, even though I continue to resist the devil. Prayer would be greatly appreciated.
I have a job interview tomorrow, and if I get the job it will be me more working hours and enable me to pay off my rent arrears, and all my overdue bills etc..
This couldn't come sooner, as my finances have even worsened since I made my original prayer request above. I had been paying weekly rent, although, due to my reduced hours this year, not enough, hence the arrears build up. But last week I wasn't even able to pay any rent.
Hence, I am closer to eviction than ever.
I really need to do well in this interview and get this job. I am very nervous because there is so much pressure on me to do well in this interview.
I have no family, so if I get evicted, there will be nowhere for me to go.
I request your prayers that my interview goes very well, and that I can start my new job next week. But ultimately, that the Father's will be done.
Thank you, and may you be blessed.