Elizabeth F
Humble Servant of All
Sorry this is not meant to sound self-pitying but my life really isn't worth living 

All I do is sit on bed all day and cry due to the unbearable physical pain and mental torture.
I can't go on like this.
Please Father God I have been adopted into your family through the blood of Jesus and I come in his name to plead with you for mercy. Please forgive me for all my sins as I forgive everyone who has sinned against me. Father I have tried all the medicine and treatment given to me but am getting worse so PLEASE intervene now and set me free from this living hell and I will glorify and praise you forever. Father I am really worried about increasing the dosage of antidepressant in case of side effects and scared of traveling to hospital on Tuesday to have the biliary stent removed. I commit these worries to you and ask for direction, peace and fresh hope. All this I ask in Jesus' name. Amen

All I do is sit on bed all day and cry due to the unbearable physical pain and mental torture.
I can't go on like this.
Please Father God I have been adopted into your family through the blood of Jesus and I come in his name to plead with you for mercy. Please forgive me for all my sins as I forgive everyone who has sinned against me. Father I have tried all the medicine and treatment given to me but am getting worse so PLEASE intervene now and set me free from this living hell and I will glorify and praise you forever. Father I am really worried about increasing the dosage of antidepressant in case of side effects and scared of traveling to hospital on Tuesday to have the biliary stent removed. I commit these worries to you and ask for direction, peace and fresh hope. All this I ask in Jesus' name. Amen