Jesus, full of love, mercy and compassion told the truth to those who were following Him wherever He went. He said.
My sheep listen to My voice, I know them and they follow Me.
John 10.27
God is not too far from us to speak heavenly tunes to our ears and touch our hearts with His love, mercy and care. Nature speaks clearly the power of His mighty work. Rocks and stones will sing praises to Him, they were witnesses of Gods presence at Mount Sinai.
Jesus, o Jesus Your presence makes my whole and pure.
My sheep listen to My voice, I know them and they follow Me.
John 10.27
God is not too far from us to speak heavenly tunes to our ears and touch our hearts with His love, mercy and care. Nature speaks clearly the power of His mighty work. Rocks and stones will sing praises to Him, they were witnesses of Gods presence at Mount Sinai.
Jesus, o Jesus Your presence makes my whole and pure.