Proud Servant of GOD
Beloved Warrior

I. FATHER THANK YOU for YOUR MOST WISE DECISION for us to move back to our older home.We trust YOU. We pray for YOUR BLESSINGS and FAVOR, peace, protection, and all that is GOOD from YOU. we pray to get out quickly without injuries, i beg for no fighting, or arguing between anyone at anytime especially Aunt Karen, Kelly, Brad, Ron, Bud, Monica, me, and rest of family, and people we know for YOU KNOW how we are and what we can do, but YOU are more powerful than anything or anyone and in control of all things and i am so thankful for that. YOU KNOW how much we have to move, but we know that if this is YOUR WILL YOU WILL MAKE A WAY. We also know that if YOU WANT us to stay YOU WILL MAKE a way for that too. Guide us so we make the same decisions that YOU WANT us to make. Make us all strong in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and please don't allow the devil to have his way or cause any trouble and please stop all of his work in all things and please don't allow him to start any or do any work or have his way concerning us and concerning all IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN.
II. FATHER THANK YOU for encouraging me and my family we pray for aunt Elaine to not have cancer or any other serious illness; for her to be healed, make her strong inside and out bless the doctors and all involved in this issue including treatments, medications, etc.; we pray for her not to have pain. we pray for her to have strength and heal quickly, please give her and us all more faith and trust in YOU and same for all needing healings my Uncle Mike, Lenora, Liz, and my mom/aunt Karen and any one else and we pray that YOU FATHER WILL RECIEVE ALL OF THE GLORY, PRAISE, THANKS, HONOR AND ALL THAT IS GOOD FROM THIS AND ALL THINGS FOR IT ALL BELONGS TO YOU IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN.
III. FATHER THANK YOU for fixing all messes including our own we pray for Bud to pay his child support and please don't let him, Linda, Kelly, Brad, or anyone else cause any trouble intentional or not, nor have any trouble for them or us from the devil or anyone else and please fix this mess for peace and the children and our favor IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN. I think this is solved but I am not sure. PRAISE and THANK GOD for the solving whether it is now or to come IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN.
IV. FATHER THANK YOU for protecting all of us especially the powerless we pray for Quentin and Dakota my nephews that live with me to continue to live with me and not to ask, be asked , made, tricked, or any other tactic to get them to spend the night, live with, go anywhere, or do anything with their parents that YOU DONT WANT them to for reasons YOU KNOW OF including holidays, if it be YOUR WILL for them to go with thier parents for reasons YOU KNOW OF including holidays may it go well and please i pray that they get home at a decent time and don't get asked to spend the night with them and that they don't hear, see, do, say anything, get asked anything or anything else that would worry, anger, upset, or bother themselves or anyone else. also if it be YOUR WILL i pray for Paige and Alexis to live with me again in peace with no problems and no fight to get them to live with me and for YOUR HAND to be upon all the powerless. also their mother says her house is up for sale and she wants to move to the country i have concerns. i pray YOUR WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven in this and all things and may we rejoice in YOUR WILL IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN.
V. FATHER THANK YOU FOR BEING STRONGER THAN the devil and for delivering us from evil we pray for the devil to be bound and stopped in all of our lives, all areas of our lives and these praying too and anything to do with us or in us and whomever we know and for our LORD JESUS CHRIST to have free reign in our lives and anything to do with us in us and for all we know as well, may we trust YOU more than 100 percent and embrace YOUR WILL JOYFULLY more than 100 percent even when we don't understand may we just by YOUR POWER feel that way because YOU ARE GOOD and because YOU ARE WISER THAN ALL IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY this too AMEN.
VI. FATHER THANK YOU FOR EXISTING AND BEING PERFECT AND HOLY i need, want and pray for me and my family and these praying and theirs too to be one with YOU ALMIGHTY FATHER GOD, YOUR SON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND TO LOVE YOU AND PLEASE YOU ABOVE ALL with all we have inside and out, for us all to live in peace with all in our families and all around the world, and for us to LIVE YOUR WAYS AND WALK IN YOUR WAYS and have YOUR FAVOR on us all may it be done quickly!!!!!! IN THE NAME OF our SAVIOR AND LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN. thanks to all praying or reading this and MAY GOD BLESS you, your loved ones, and all to do with you IN THE NAME OF our LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN.