Prayer Warrior
I prophecy as PROPHETESS Joanna Leigh Fairres decree declare demand put a press on my anoiting anyone who is thief after my energy dreams come true wishes 

air my kids family that is a good thing innocents Hit
passage X3
passage X3
fold hit passage
Psalm 79 12 Wear your prayers of evil bring to the 
for our safety reasons who can be trusted immediately Hass Enrique anyone from anyone or past or people followers stop 
we are none of your business I'm not your Savior One Disciple no solution it's nothing personal GOD SAID NO because I wasn't taken care of instead killed and my kids everyone in my past hasn't been there for me during this I'm alone and I need to move forward
and know my kids are safe I only have 3 that I have given birth to. The people can protect themselves with the passages that I have given them. Also Satan Son Brad who profiled me to save his son Hunter I think Hunter will be turning 4 or 5 I honestly don't remember right now is born on Jesus risen day Easter day
think it might land this year on his bday it only lands certain years
whatever came and said Hi was a GIANT dark black sexy voice entity I think 
might be the dragon
it's extremely evil eats children's beings it was created by women who sleep 
I think 
with Hass Anthony Ferguson teeth Joseph Samuel Riley definitely by Richard BOYD and Paula's the ring Brad Hunter were already gone when the GIANT ALL BLACK entity showed up told me me it wasn't looking for me I knew it was looking for Hunter as it was in his domain where Brad would protect in front of my fireplace love life where he would put his toys and make sure they were protected make sure The Brad cannot cauldron against me my kids family that is a good thing innocents since he called in again and wants me to do my Jesus thing is what he asked for again he let me know it's on again so bring in more truth Shaleen Wolfinger claimed she dreamed about the Lotto let everyone go after her first
as I don't think 
she dreamt but let the truth come out plus she I think 
might be one of the creators of the entity which I think
might be the dragon idk. What these wicked people created to steal from God's people especially children who are called. Brads son Hunter is protected everywhere he goes by the BODY OF CHRIST because I don't want him calling in again or trying to profile me anymore ever again for Satan to get that close to me in secret. Let passage hit
X3 100
fold Everyone doesn't take it personal if I have to go under more hiding because he requested it even stronger again. Please let the Paula's The ring house portal that caught on FIRE
at 3 am in the area where I prayed to the LORD war room for no reason be brought closed down as it used to sacrifice pets people and eat children 2207 YOSEMITE DR LODI,CA fences connect to Richard BOYD KING of NEW GUINEA pedophile who definitely is not a good thing let them the BOYDS go down to not keeping anyone's JOY of the LORD GLORY to GLORY wishes dreams come true as they cannot be trusted they are definitely a threat to children. I release the arrows of the LORD'S
deliverance in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents 2 KINGS 13 17 X3
I release YOUR SHARP
into the HEART 
of the KINGS
Enemies Psalm 45:5 Hit
FOLD X3 ORDAIN release YOUR arrows 
AGAINST MYSELF MY kids family that is a good thing innocents persecutors Psalm 7 13 every minute reveal who is secretly making the entity come out of the PORTAL house
wicked house that talks has creatures to serve the Ring and Paula's let the tenants move out and let the house be burned down this time all the way to the ground not able to be used to attack the WORLD
. I do not move to LODI as it not safe there ever with Anthony Ferguson teeth Paula's Portal House back
up again let that house be exposed since it talks and has weird vibessssssssszzzzzzz things fly in the house and people get thrown around supposedly it has children ghosts
as well I believe in GHOSTS but maybe
a child passed away idk Tina has videos of the children dead running around the house I think
that child in the garage idk 
. Send out YOUR arrows 
and scatter the enemy Psalm 18 14 X3
FOLD PASSAGE NOW I'm restored my kids because the wicked PORTAL RING that killed all my PIER one imports life savings everything I just paid off everything thousands of dollars killed my cat PIXEL with Marks Help killed our cat then it Killed MAC DRE the hamster it eats pets alive inside this house
shouldn't be prospering in anyway not should Paula's ever again please remove them and there weird creations they use forever
Hass is protected if he's innocent and Enrique bring in the light now fast 

In Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen