Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
When I say I'm looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promises (the Rapture, the New World), many Christians counter with "Don't focus on that. Be grateful that you have more time to do stuff." But is that an accurate point? 2 Peter states "Looking for and hastening unto the day" (hastening unto not hoping to delay it). Also, when describing end-time events, "Jesus said, When these things start to happen, lift up your head (not cast down your head), for your deliverance draweth nigh." So I don't see anything wrong with looking forward to these events. (And based on these verses, it looks like it's Biblically accurate to do so.) In fact, the last words in the Bible are "Come quickly, Lord Jesus." What then would these other Christians pray for, let me stay down here in this cursed world for another (fill in). Maranatha. "Amen. Come QUICKLY, Lord Jesus."