Humble Servant of All
Please pray as the election are coming pray for more lies and deception to be exposed to the public as the PAP government continually lied to the members of public with the deception firstly they said that foreigners are here in Singapore to complement the workforce, not it is not complementing the workforce rather it is replacing Singaporeans with Foreigners, with a minority of Singaporeans working in unfair working conditions. Yet they failed to acknowledged their lies and deception to the public, which had already make known by the public to them, but they just sweep under the carpet and pretend that it does not exist. Making 60k Singaporeans jobless and but yet the government could allow 1.77 million foreigners to complement the workforce , in which either the government does not know what is the meaning of complementing the workforce or the PAP government ministers are blatantly lying to members of the public and refused to correct the error. And after the mess which they had created, they created another problem in the near future which is quite worrying because Singapore will become a welfare state whereby now they are creating the welfare state by giving money to the unemployed Singapore but it is not sustainable if they refused to rectify the cause of the problem, which was the error made by the government and in future Singaporeans will become a minority in Singapore, with the majority of the population Foreigners who will just come and go treating Singapore as a stepping stone after they earned the SGD which belonged to Singaporeans they will just go to another country or back to their own country.