Servant of All
El Shaddai,El Elyon Adonai, Father of our hope and freedom. We give praise and thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases and that Your mercy never ends, for it is new every morning great is Your faithfulness. Sovereign Father, let Your glory be our goals, Your teachings our rules and Your will be done in our lives. Help us not to presume on the riches of Your kindness and forbearance and patience. Please help us understand that Your kindness is meant to lead us to repentance. Take away the hardness and impenitence that may be in our heart. Remove our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. Almighty please change our behavior and our attitudes so that none of Your wrath will be stored against us to be unleashed on the day of revelation of Your righteous judgment. Help us fulfill whatever ministry we have received in Yeshua. Remember those who suffer in any way for Your service. May Your perfect grace sustain and keep all of us. Abba Father, please keep Your protection near and danger afar. Keep hope within and doubt without. Keep Your light near and darkness afar. Keep Your peace within and please keep evil out. We pray in Yeshua name and authority, the chief connerstone upon which we build our spiritual lives, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen, halleluyah.