Disciple of Prayer
Heavenly Father I commit this day to you, I put on the full armor of God, I put on the belt of truth I put on the breastplate of righteousness I put on the shoes of peace I take up the shield of Faith I put on the helmet of salvation I take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Father God I decree and decree that the gates of hell will not prevail against me and my family and ###, fight against those who fight against me, father God I cancel every negative words spoken over me, I cancel every plan plot and scheme of the enemy and I superimpose God’s perfect will in my life, oh that you would enlarge me and expand my territory today might God, Lord I thank you today that you said in Psalm 37:25 that you will never see the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread Lord I thank you that I am blessed going out and I am blessed coming in anything I put my hands on shall prosper I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Lord I decree and declare that today’s prayer will fall on good ground and bear, Godly fruits and I call in blessings from the north, the south east and west Lord I thank you that as the wicked and the evil come to eat up my flesh it is they who stumble and fall. Lord I decree and declare that you are turning things around in my life and this atmosphere. God please remove the spirit of negativity and intimidation from my life, and I decree and declare that I am blessed going out and I am blessed coming in and your favor surrounds me as a shield. Father God I also ask that you please protect this entire nation keep everyone from hurt harm and danger in Jesus name Amen