It is clear that our hearts full of praise to Jesus for what He has done on Calvarys Cross. So, let us not offer Him a lip service to Him, it should come from the dephts of our soul to sing praises to Him. I am yielding to Your Spirit, I am walking in Your love, Jesus I adore, Jesus I really adore Your holy name.
Bread of heaven.
Feed me till I want no more.
Fill my cup,
Fill it up,
And make me whole.
Let us never understimate the power of salvation that comes from heaven. The Lord will meet our every need when called upon Him, exceed all expectations coming to us by His mercy and compassion. This is the call of the Lord.
Call unto Me, I will answer thee.
Yes Lord, I am calling on You for help and mercy.
Bread of heaven.
Feed me till I want no more.
Fill my cup,
Fill it up,
And make me whole.
Let us never understimate the power of salvation that comes from heaven. The Lord will meet our every need when called upon Him, exceed all expectations coming to us by His mercy and compassion. This is the call of the Lord.
Call unto Me, I will answer thee.
Yes Lord, I am calling on You for help and mercy.