Then, we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
I Thess. 4.17
What a beautiful promise coming out from Gods word, but we must first surrender to the will of the Father and give ourselves as sweet offering to Him. He is waiting for you and for me, with open arms will receive us and change us and make us His very own.
For You are glorious,
And worthy to be praised.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
And unto You we lift our voice in praise.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
Jesus came to earth to save us from sin and evil and to open the gates of heave so we can enter in. Let us all raise our voice to Him in praise, in adoration and in worship all the days of our life.
Lift up your heads of ye gates and be lifted up you ancient doors, the King of glory is coming. He will take all of us to our eternal home in glory.
I Thess. 4.17
What a beautiful promise coming out from Gods word, but we must first surrender to the will of the Father and give ourselves as sweet offering to Him. He is waiting for you and for me, with open arms will receive us and change us and make us His very own.
For You are glorious,
And worthy to be praised.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
And unto You we lift our voice in praise.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
Jesus came to earth to save us from sin and evil and to open the gates of heave so we can enter in. Let us all raise our voice to Him in praise, in adoration and in worship all the days of our life.
Lift up your heads of ye gates and be lifted up you ancient doors, the King of glory is coming. He will take all of us to our eternal home in glory.