Now thank we all our God. With heart with hands and voices. Who wondrous things hath done. In whom HIs world rejoices. Who from our mothers arms hath blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love And still is ours today. Let us all bow down before Him who knows our whole being, our desires and our wishes. With hearts hands and voices let us ll lift our voices in praise, in honor and to glorify His holy name. He has done wondrous things in our lives and the lives of those who love Him with all their heart, mind and soul.
Bless His name.
Worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.
Come into His courts with praise,
Lift up your voice and sing,
Along with the angels in heaven,
All praise, all honor and all glory be to Him,
Who is seated upon a throne,
Let us bow down and give glory and honor,
Now and forever more.....
Amen and amen.
Bless His name.
Worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.
Come into His courts with praise,
Lift up your voice and sing,
Along with the angels in heaven,
All praise, all honor and all glory be to Him,
Who is seated upon a throne,
Let us bow down and give glory and honor,
Now and forever more.....
Amen and amen.