Beloved of All
A friend had betrayed me, though in her mind she turns that around. This person played with my heart and gaslighted me until I had enough. She "love bombed" me and manufactured feelings in me. So I left her friendship. It was fake. It broke my heart. When I overheard her laments "I keep losing friends" or "I can't hold onto friendships" she doesn't see herself as the problem. In her mind she is perfect, better than anyone else, never her fault and no need to apologize or fix things. She's a narcassist. Harsh words but unless you are abused by on you have no idea. I'm not perfect, I'm a sinner and I have faults. Guess what she does too! Jesus I pray that she sees this soon because despite the hell she put me and others through I'd like her to be healed of this, keep friends and have love from others and have REAL relationships. Most of be saved and have a relationship with Jesus because without that you can't have the other. Despite her actions I think God had other plans for her life. Satan I rebuke what you have done to her and command you in the name of Jesus to let go of Gina and stay out of her life forever. Thats it! In Jesus name I pray Amen