Beloved of All
Dear Father,
We pray this day that You will glorify yourself this day through all of us. We pray that we will glorify you through our words and deeds.
We pray that we will be a light to others in darkness and not hidden under a bushel.
We pray you will fill our hearts with gratitude for the new day! Let us be full of thanks for thy manifest blessings and thy unsearchable mercies! Let us be thankful for a beating heart and breath in our lungs, for in you we live and move and have our being! Let us be thankful for the sun shining and the sweet singing of the birds and beautiful azure sky, and green trees! Let us glorify your goodness that we see displayed in all of your creation! God you are so GOOD!!!! Hallelujah!!
May this day be FRUITFUL for you, O LORD, and may thy kingdom come and thy will be done in these these earthen vessels as it is in heaven!
May satan be right exactly where he belongs today, UNDER OUR FEET! May we demonstrate his defeat, and may major damage be inflicted today to his kingdom through our hands, feet, words and especially through the holy prayers that ascend to thy throne through all the saints here on this forum! May Your kingdom advance, and the devil’s kingdom suffer great defeat and loss, in Jesus name!!
This forum has been such a great, sweet blessing to me, so LORD may others discover this forum and come here to be blessed and to experience wonderful victories and answered prayers in their lives.
May you prosper this forum, may it grow and may there be INCREASE and a double portion blessing come upon it, in Jesus name.
May we all with humble hearts give glory to thy name, today, in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ we pray!
We pray this day that You will glorify yourself this day through all of us. We pray that we will glorify you through our words and deeds.
We pray that we will be a light to others in darkness and not hidden under a bushel.
We pray you will fill our hearts with gratitude for the new day! Let us be full of thanks for thy manifest blessings and thy unsearchable mercies! Let us be thankful for a beating heart and breath in our lungs, for in you we live and move and have our being! Let us be thankful for the sun shining and the sweet singing of the birds and beautiful azure sky, and green trees! Let us glorify your goodness that we see displayed in all of your creation! God you are so GOOD!!!! Hallelujah!!
May this day be FRUITFUL for you, O LORD, and may thy kingdom come and thy will be done in these these earthen vessels as it is in heaven!
May satan be right exactly where he belongs today, UNDER OUR FEET! May we demonstrate his defeat, and may major damage be inflicted today to his kingdom through our hands, feet, words and especially through the holy prayers that ascend to thy throne through all the saints here on this forum! May Your kingdom advance, and the devil’s kingdom suffer great defeat and loss, in Jesus name!!
This forum has been such a great, sweet blessing to me, so LORD may others discover this forum and come here to be blessed and to experience wonderful victories and answered prayers in their lives.
May you prosper this forum, may it grow and may there be INCREASE and a double portion blessing come upon it, in Jesus name.
May we all with humble hearts give glory to thy name, today, in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ we pray!