1. I have learnt that some things are not life essentials and we don't need them to make a happy life. You can think of those things yourself.
2. I learnt that God has been the one sustaining me, not my job.
3. We have learnt that husband are more important than pillow. It's funny? But it's the truth.
4. It taught me that a peaceful home can survive any storm.
5. I learnt that there's wisdom in saving, no matter how little and not to rely on one source of income.
6. Coronavirus makes me know that marrying the wrong person could spell doom.
7. I have learnt that one can cook without meat. It's not important to waste too much money on fish and meat again.
8. I have learnt that God hears us anywhere we pray.
9. More, it taught me to be more humble because everything in life is a privilege, just the grace of God sustains us.
10. It is now that I realised that moving about, working and receiving monthly salaries are rare privileges from God.
11. This has also taught me how to get more closer to God. We all need more of God's presence in our lives.
12. I learnt that it will be me and me on the judgement day, no one can save nor love me like God.
13. I will always expect the unexpected at anytime. Now I know that anything can happen anytime without anyone knowing about it.
14. With the lockdown, I understand that the correctional centre is not a place to be. I felt how inmates feel. I realized the trauma they are going through being isolated for years.
15. I know better that God is the President of the whole world.
16. Now I know that I can't die and heaven won’t fall, nor time stop moving if I don't watch football, go to bars, clubs and others.
17. I have learnt that running to other countries of the world may not be the solution sometimes. Many Nigerians ran back home during the pandemic. Those who would have travelled for medical tourism cannot do that this time.
18. Coronavirus taught me never to invest all my money in one business. The business can be grounded anytime. I need to save some for unforeseen circumstances.
19. I realized that having a house is more important than buying a car. Since I was taught economics, COVID-19 just brought into real-life practice, the essence of SHELTER as one of the basic and if not, the most essential of the basic necessities of life.
Having a decent roof over your head is very important.
Sleep is the most important aspect of this lockdown and only a decent roof over your head can assure that.
20. I got to confirm that God can end every life in the blink of an eye. You being alive is because God wants you. Be grateful of being alive.
21. Now I know that your success is dependent on your intimacy with God first, not the prophet or supposed men of God you run to always, who claim they are miracle workers.
22. It is now self-evident that those things we neglect are basically what we need in life.
23. We have learnt that food is more important than clothes, shoes and other material things.
24. I learnt that we don't need to waste our money on burials, weddings, parties and others. We can do these events without any noise and nothing changes.
25. I've also learnt there is always a better way to do things well than the ways we've been doing it.
26. I have learnt that whatever God want to do for you cannot be stop by any circumstances, many things were achieved even in the midst of pandemic.
27. Its also a great lesson to many who thinks Ministers of God are only in the Church for tithe and offerings, and cannot survive without it. Many Churches, priests, Pastors donated Relief Package to the poor more than their state/local government.
28. Above all, I have learnt to appreciate God the more. Listen, *those affected by Coronavirus didn't offend God,* and me not having it, is not by my power, it is by the mercy and grace of Almighty God.
*May God arise and heal the world amen *