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As a Christian, I believe the Lord can do anything, even cure a narcissist. Please pray for my narcissist friend for she has a nightmare of mental health disorders that only at the deepest, unconscious level does she admit having. A life is one of constant pain of finding her identity in what others mirror to her. Working tirelessly to create a person to the world of someone who is normal, happy, and successful instead of the shallow shell that they really are. A child grown with a hurting, damaged, raging inside, and with no idea how to stop the pain. I was praying for a restoration of my friendship to this person but this person only hurts me because of this affliction. I want to tell her that she is worthy and lovable but only God can do that for her because her disease feeds on these statements. I truly love her and ultimately fear for her now and where she'll end up. She used me but I forgive her because I knew her past and how she became this person. She and her sister were treated to horrible things. I was too and we shared each others story and she helped me into therapy. I've learned through this process her affliction and I don't know what to do. Please pray for her.