Jim AR
I have a friend named Richard. We worked together on the same job for many years. He is a kind and decent man. He and his wife, Brenda, are both in their 70's. Brenda contracted polio when she was a child and there was no vaccine for it. They are both followers of Jesus Christ and are currently unable to attend church services because of their afflictions . Richard sticks by her through thick and thin no matter what and takes care of her. He does this while always keeping a good attitude. Brenda worked when she was younger and raised three good boys. All this while her polio gets worse as she gets older. She recently started going to pain management as her situation is getting worse. She recently fell and he asked for my help to get her up. I believe in my heart if anyone has a place in heaven it is them. I've seen Richard do countless good deeds for poor people in the neighbor hood. I ask all of you to help me pray for them in Jesus name, Amen.