We are missionaries without a church. The church we came to help stole everything we had and left us in a cement building with no food, water, electricity. We slept on cement for those first six months. We have gone now four years from that inital time, and the Lord has saved us and made a way in the darkness everytime. I am a witness to his Glory and Grace. We are alone here and serve the Lord. We have no doctrine but the word. We do not add to it, not take away from it. We seek to tell the word to the lost before Christ's Return.
I have lived a life of Job. My trials have been lifelong and have not ended. As they come, I draw closer to the Lord. There is no end so far to my trials and suffering. The Lord gives me grace, and then the next trial begins. Pray also for strength that I do not fall, become bitter, or angry. There are times that I do not know if I can take even more, and then I remember how much more HE went through than me.