Beloved of All
KINGDOM OF GOD & SPIRITUAL STRENGTH 1) Grace for The Kingdom of God to Prosper Spiritually, Emotionally, Socially & Physically. This includes grace on my Spiritual Life, Prayer, Worship, Bible Study and other spiritual disciplines like tithing, living right and witnessing as well as for the entire Kingdom (Rom 12:1-3).CONFIRMATION ON STAYING OR MOVING ON2) Wisdom on job and confirmation of moving or staying and GUIDANCE into God's perfect will for my life the high call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14).PROTECTION FROM EVIL AND GOD'S RULE OVER MY PHYSICAL DWELLING3) Peace and protection from various eastern influences in my home as well as from vices. Peace from banging, stomping, marching, parading, pot-smoking, sword dancing, muttering, evil speaking and all demonic activity through the power of The Holy Spirit and all the hosts of angels and prayers of those righteous by faith in Christ. Kingdom Come in Jesus' Name!FAVOR ON MY COMPANY TO BE FINANCED WELL AND OPERATE EFFICIENTLY4) Help my company have it's lease agreements bought so we can pay out referral fees quickly and never get behind on bills for the equipment used to install our systems causing an increase in customer satisfaction and positive online reviews and gained reputation granting me and my company favor on the job, increased Work Ethic & Reporting abilities.May I set new appointments for this week and next that keep and agree to services with all paperwork ready at point of sale and collect referrals that can benefit from saving money immediately without spending anything.THAT I OWE NOTHING TO ANYONE5) Everything would be received by the IRS to set up a automatic payment plan securely and may I never miss a payment. Help paying off student loans and other small debts which add up.JUSTICE IN A LEGAL MATTER FIXED WITHOUT MY GOING TO COURT6) Father, please remove the erroneous amount I pay weekly because I won't go to court before unbelievers (1 Cor 6).THAT MY MECHANIC MAKES MY VEHICLES PRIORITY AND KEEPS HIS WORD TO DO GOOD, INEXPENSIVE WORK7) Grace on my mechanic, GUS -- May he do the work my cars need even though it is tedious and he does the work inexpensively. May Gus fix my brakes perfectly on my primary car and any other gas-line leaks, coolant needs & power steering issues, alignment needs so I can drive my car and get my second car fixed secondly. Grace for a superb detail for my daily driver and for someone to put on the new fender and paint it matching the rest of the car. May both cars get totally fixed and detailed so I can either give one to my daughter or sell one if she doesn't need it. Gus has been saying he would replace and paint the fender for over one year. May God hold him to his word this week that it's nice in Jesus' Name.TREAT MY BODY AS THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD8) Grace to get to the gym in a regular manner 3-4 days per week for my health, strength and emotional well being -- discipline to eat correctly -- same for all believers.BLESSING ON FAMILY MEMBERS SO AS TO BE SAVED, HEALED, KEPT HEALTHY, BE STRENGTHENED SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY, SOCIALLY AND PHYSICALLY9) I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ so I will be saved and my entire household (Acts 16:31-32) just like it is written, Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis, Romans 4).NOT ONLY OUR OWN INTERESTS BUT THE INTERESTS OF THE WHOLE WORLD10) God protect Rulers and all in authority -- prayers for the 45th President of the U.S. (Donald Trump) because God says to pray "for all in authority" (1 Tim 2:1-4) and that all authority is from God (Rom 13:1-3). Protection for every U.S. and Allied Troop in the Military, Protection for Government, Military Intelligence & Law Enforcement. Calm North Korea (Mr Kim) or humble them severely and swiftly. Help South Korean President Lead well and be Protected. New FBI Leader, Protection.Thank you in Jesus' Name.