God, in His infinity mercy and love sent Jesus, the Son of the living God to this world to save us from sin and evil and to lead us all to His glorious presence. Opening the gates of heaven so we can enter in. Let us all bless His holy name and continue to sing praises to His holy name. He alone is worthy of all glory.
Every morning you shall hear His voice.
King of heaven shall speak to our heart.
It is Him who will lead us to His glorious presence.
Giver of strenght to those who trust His name.
All day long I shall sing to Him.
Glorious song of praise to His name.
When trials and tribulations shall come.
I shall enter into His holy presence.
There we shall find peace and joy.
Wonderful gifts that comes from heaven.
My King and Lord I shall follow You all the way to Your holy presence. No one will keep me here anymore, it is Him who is leading our path to glory.
Every morning you shall hear His voice.
King of heaven shall speak to our heart.
It is Him who will lead us to His glorious presence.
Giver of strenght to those who trust His name.
All day long I shall sing to Him.
Glorious song of praise to His name.
When trials and tribulations shall come.
I shall enter into His holy presence.
There we shall find peace and joy.
Wonderful gifts that comes from heaven.
My King and Lord I shall follow You all the way to Your holy presence. No one will keep me here anymore, it is Him who is leading our path to glory.