Humble Servant
Keep me in faith and wisdom and on the right path to serve you God. I am faithful and I am loyal. Bring me determination and discernment for choosing the best outcome. Keep me safe and healthy. Bring the only one I love through her storms of faith and confusions. Deliver her from deception and temptation to sabotage her life. Send her angels to help her out of this on going twist in her thinking. Show her love and direction in how to call me or write me to reconnect with me. Everything is going in the right direction for me now. Help me find a way out if this place and to be in a better place for work and living abundantly again. I've been learning how to speak into existence my desires so guide me in the best direction to serve and prosper. Put right people in my life and in her life. May they lead her to me. Delete and crush and exterminate the vile and deceptive imposter in or around her life. Get her out of the cursed home and put her in her right mind. She is not a sinner she's naive and under the influence of drugs and liars including her mother. I hold no blame or enmity towards anyone. I have been through this long enough. I've faced the Hell of darkness and struggle with loss and grief. Pull up the stakes and chains of bondage in this situation and free us to love and live again in God's glory. I offer my life and my strength to save her from harm. This is my prayer and affirmations for what and who I believe in. God and my wife and my God given life! I have intense confidence in my heart and soul that we love each other and we will be in each other's arms soon. I know the world is full of difficulties and I want the world to grow spiritually and be safe with our fellowship in each other. I am in faith that all people will heal and restore lost relationships and marriages. I am in faith that animals are treated kindly. I want addiction and homeless people to see a better life. This is not just about me and my single issue. It is all about healing pain and loss and mental health issues. Yes it's important for us all to gain knowledge and experience with each other. To save our planet and our lives. God you said ask and it is given. Thank you God for your love. Thank you for your help and encouragement. Thank you for prayer requests. Thank you God and I look forward to peace in this moment of time. In Jesus name Amen and amen God.