Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
Just sharing ,God can reveal to us the actual reason, but--as much as it nauseates me to say it, but more and more it looks like Biden will get in .At first I questioned why God will take someone from the party that openly backs abortion, gay marriage religious persecution all the things the Bible is against, , and why God will "reward" such a person with a victory? But then it came to me--just because God "gives someone what they want" doesn't mean it's a "good" thing. Read the verses in 2 Thessalonians about the coming of the Antichrist--""therefore God will send them strong delusion that they should beleive a lie,because they believed not the love of the Truth that they might be saved, but took pleasure in unrighteousness."And we know the eventual outcome of those that worship and take the mark.There are cases of God "giving someone up to" a chosen sin or desire for it,but more like a "You made your bed , now sleep in it" type thing than because God is "rewarding them".So the more I 've tried to figure it out , this to me seems like getting Biden in is more like God"giving them enough rope to hang themselves."But only God knows for sure, and if I would've put this on the blog page,it would've soon been pushed aside by 5 Articles blogs,which is the new way.So we'll put this under the heading of "sharing".P.S...It may even be a wake up call to Christians, that they get STRONGER in the faith, some kind of test. God knows.