Beloved of All
Dear Jesus, let me start off this prayer by giving you thanks for this glorious sunny day which I’m blessed to experience this day!! LORD, I SO appreciate the beauty of the warm sunshine that is my good fortune this day!! Praise your name, LORD!! Thank you Jesus!! This day LORD, I have so many things on my heart. I’d truly like You to put the spirit of praise and thanks in me like never before! I know I give thanks many times during my day, but it’s those praise void spots that bother me; the times when I am NOT filled with praise really trouble me. LORD, I want you to increase my capacity for praise! Make me a praise dynamo, dear LORD!! Jesus, I’d like to request that You would look back on my life, long as it has been, and cover my mistakes, my errors, my bad judgements and my lack of wisdom through the years in financial matters. LORD, I am truly sorry for every foolish, ignorant mistake of bad judgment I have made over the decades. I repent, and I pray your blood will cover over these sins and I pray for your gracious, generous mercy to give me a miraculous new chance. You gave me a stunning miracle last night in the grocery store and so I know the God of miracles lives!!!! Oh Jesus, with tears in my eyes I confess I’ve been SUCH A FOOL!!! All through my years I’ve been ignorant and foolish. But dear LORD, you also know I was doing my best at factory jobs, sweating and getting dirty and pretty much breaking my back to support a deadly sick wife and our babies. OH, LORD, you know I tried to do the honorable thing! But my sick wife had medical bills and we ended up in debt and Jesus, it was a mess. But you already know all about that, and I’m not excusing myself. But please, in your mercy please consider the very hard circumstances I was laboring under as a young man. But still, Jesus, please forgive me and cover my bad decisions, my UNWISE decisions with your perfect blood, which speaks better things of me!! I’d truly like to know the feeling of a sense of freedom and liberty in my spirit to know this is all forgiven and lifted off of me with a fresh, new chance even at my old age. Oh Jesus, SURELY you know my struggles! But thy mercy endureth forever!! Please touch my friend ### this day who is in his back in a ###. Please touch him and heal him and raise him up in Jesus name!! I seem to be one of very few friends he has, and I try my very best each day to lift his spirits and to cheer him up and bring him hope. It’s not much, but I’m sure it means the world to him. But please heal him and make him new!! And LORD, you know the problem I’m having with my cat!! LORD, I don’t know what to do!! She was my mom’s cat before mom died, and mom loved her, so I need to honor that by taking good care of her. And I do indeed love the cat and she is totally bonded to me. And I know YOU love the animals, and I know YOU would treat them kindly, Jesus, so I do the same. But LORD, lately she’s been peeing and pooping on my carpet and destroying my furniture, and those are all things I HATE!! And she always has a clean litter box, but she lately prefers my carpet!! And me being a clean person can not abide that! And LORD, it’s costing me a small fortune deterrent sprays and for carpet shampoo and other things to remove the smell!! But Jesus, I see that you have not given cats a sense of shame like dogs! I can correct a dog with stern words and they will alter their behavior to please me. But cats only resent it and get angry if you scold them. So Jesus, what do I do? What is your wisdom on how to solve the problem??? It seems I’m stuck with this problem until the cat passes, because she’s an indoor cat and letting her loose outdoors would result in her getting killed! There seems to be no solution, LORD!! If there were only a way I could communicate with this cat to let her know how much I HATE her using my carpet for a bathroom!! But the problem is cats don’t really want to please their owners like dogs do. Cats have their own independent mind about things. Jesus, HELP ME!!!!!!