It might just be that Judy feels old and feels that she has to fight harder because of that just to keep her job or it may be that since she is not a Christian because real Christians don't hurt people that cannot defend themselves such as in this case with people in a Rest Home. I worked in a rest home for 5 years making $3.15 an hour and many times gave many free hours of work because those people gave so much into my life with their wisdom and a smile when probably all they felt like doing was crying or giving up. Judy might have personal problems that you are unaware of. Have you taken time to ask her what is wrong and maybe you could help her. God puts some people in our lives to make US better humans sometimes. I befriended a bag lady that was very dirty and really put me on the edge. I finally helped her, blessed her with food, money, etc. and now she is clean, attending church and even teaching Sunday school, What have you given into Judy's life to make her better or make her load lighter. We are all in this world to help others. There is so much satisfaction in that. When you see Judy again, really look at her and PRAY FOR HER and I promise you she will be all the better for it. When things do not go our way, sometimes it's up to us to help change them. Ask God for his imput and Judy, you and God will become a 3 cord strand that is not easily broken. God bless you for being a caring friend. RMC