Humble Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree demand command declare right now loose verse I shall decree a thing,and it shall be established in my life
Job 22 28 forever 

DNA based loose verse Luke 2:52 I have favor with God and with man bind these verse from all my life
my kids family that's a good thing light family
loose verse My hand is upon the neck of my enemies Gen 49:8 bind this verse to my life

my kids family that's a good thing light 
family loose verse Deut 28 13 iam the head not the tail bind this verse to my life 
my kids family that's a good thing light 
family. Loose verse Wealth and riches are in my house, and my righteous endures forever
Psalm 112:3 bind this verse to my life 
my kids family that's a good thing light 
light family. I release the arrow 

of the Lord's deliverance in my life
2 Kings 13 17 Forever
loose this verse into the enemies camps bring them to the light out of my career air I get a great job out of my marriage air movements peace Glory 2 Glory positions right now my online works great my mind works great my ojos are blessed for loose verse Hebrews 4:12 Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword 
piercing into even the deepest of the marrow of the bone now into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen