Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Ezekiel 27:24 :
These were thy merchants in all sorts of things, in blue clothes, and broidered work, and in chests of rich apparel, bound with cords, and made of cedar, among thy merchandise.
以西結書 27:24 :
Commentary on this verse:
27:1-25 Those who live at ease are to be lamented, if they are not prepared for trouble. Let none reckon themselves beautified, any further than they are sanctified. The account of the trade of Tyre intimates, that God's eye is upon men when employed in worldly business. Not only when at church, praying and hearing, but when in markets and fairs, buying and selling. In all our dealings we should keep a conscience void of offence. God, as the common Father of mankind, makes one country abound in one commodity, and another in another, serviceable to the necessity or to the comfort and ornament of human life. See what a blessing trade and merchandise are to mankind, when followed in the fear of God. Besides necessaries, an abundance of things are made valuable only by custom; yet God allows us to use them. But when riches increase, men are apt to set their hearts upon them, and forget the Lord, who gives power to get wealth.
27:1-25 那些安逸生活的人如果沒有為苦難做好準備,那將是可悲的。沒有人認為自己是美麗的,就像他們是聖潔的一樣。推羅貿易的記載表明,上帝的目光注視著從事世俗事務的人。不僅在教堂祈禱和聽道時,而且在市場和集市上買賣時。在我們一切的交往中,我們應該保持良心不被冒犯。上帝作為人類共同的父親,使一個國家豐富了一種商品,而另一個國家則豐富了另一種商品,以滿足人類生活的需要或舒適和裝飾。看看當人類敬畏上帝時,貿易和商品對人類來說是多麼的祝福。除了必需品之外,許多東西只有透過習慣才變得有價值。然而上帝允許我們使用它們。但當財富增加時,人們很容易一心專注於財富,而忘記了賜予財富獲得力量的主。
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, We come before Your heavenly places today through the blood of Jesus Christ. We come boldly and with confidence. (Ephesians 3:12)
For Your Word says that when we confess our sins, You are faithful and forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Today, we are praying against the Spirit of lust, lust within our hearts, lust within our minds lust within our bodies, and the lust of the flesh. The Bible says, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). So today onwards, we're going to come against that Spirit of lust and all other sexual things that might be connected to it. So today, we're going to pray and renounce these things.
Today, we renounce all sexual sins that we have been involved in the past, including fornication, masturbation, pornography, perversion, fantasy, and adultery, In the name of Jesus Christ.
We break all curses of adultery, perversion, fornication, lust, incest, rape, molestation, harlotry, and polygamy, In the name of Jesus Christ. We command all spirits of lust perversion to come out of our stomach right now, to come out of our genitals right now, to come out of our eyes right now, to come out of our mind, our mouth, our hands, in the name of Jesus Christ.
We present our bodies to the Lord Jesus Christ right now as a living sacrifice. According to Romans 12:1, LORD God, we pray today that our members are the members of Christ, and we will not let them be the members of the harlot according to 1 Corinthians 6:15. The love we release, the fire of God burns out our unclean lust from our lives, in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You break ungodly soul ties with former lovers and sexual partners. In the name of Jesus Christ, You cast out all spirits of loneliness that would drive us to ungodly sexual relationships, In the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You command all spirits of hereditary lust from our ancestors to also come out now in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You command all spirits of witchcraft that work with lust to leave now in the name of Jesus Christ.
May our good LORD God take authority over our thoughts and bind all spirits of fantasy and lustful thinking in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You cast out all marriage-breaking spirits of lust that would break covenants, in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You cast out and loosen us from any spiritual spouse and spirits of incubus, succubus, in the name of Jesus Christ. LORD God, You cast out all spirits of perversion, including the Moabite and the Ammonite spirits of lust right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank You LORD God that we receive the Spirit of holiness in our lives to walk in purity, in the name of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:4). LORD God, You loosen us from the spirit of this world, the spirit of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
LORD God, You overcome the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. According to 1 John 2:16. LORD God, we pray today and onwards that we are crucified with Christ and our members also, and may we not let sin reign in our bodies. May we not disobey it with the wordly lusts according to Romans 6:6-12, we ask for God’s help right now that all those things, LORD God, that have been against us ,that have been against our lives , may they no longer come against us today in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, Heavenly Father, we come boldly before Your throne of grace, LORD God, in a time that we need Your help and strength, fill us with the power of Your Holy Spirit. May we submit our time and our lives unto You. For Your word says that if we submit ourselves unto You, that we can resist the enemy, and he would flee from us. LORD God, help us to fully submit ourselves to You all that we are and all that we ever hoped to be, in the name of our Lord Jesus!
Therefore, we surrender unto You, Heavenly Father, for we are weak, but You are strong. We know that in our weaknesses, we are made strong. Because Your Word says that our strength is not in our will, to withstand the devil and the many temptations. But it is by faith in our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ, for our strength and our hope is in Him. Therefore, LORD God, we confess it that our strength is in You. And the power of Your might, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, our LORD God casts out all imagination and bad thoughts.
We pray that satan’s stronghold to try to bring against us, is being rendered helpless, powerless, and ineffective to operate in our lives from today onwards by the authority of our Intercessor, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our LORD God put off all forms of lust, the old nature, and adopt the new nature of righteousness, purity, humility and honesty, today, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Thank You LORD God that satan is defeated by Jesus Christ and satan is always under Your feet. And the power of lust in sin is broken today and onwards because of Your grace and mercy. Heavenly Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers, for the healing, and delivering us from the tricks of the enemy.
We thank You for Your Word, LORD God and how it is established in our hearts and in our lives. And we thank You for giving us the strength over the enemy. We thank You for strengthening us so that we will not defile the body (Your temple). Thank You, LORD God, for restoring us, cleansing us, and forgiving us from all our weaknesses. We praise You and we give You all the glory right now and always,in the name of Jesus Christ.
We thank You, Lord Jesus, that You would just come and fill us and touch us with the power of the Holy Spirit right now. Let the power of the Holy Spirit come and fill us and touch us and fill us afresh, fill those voids for every demonic spirit. We thank the Holy Spirit that through You and You alone, we cannot do anything, in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we build in vain without the Spirit of God. We build our lives in vain without the help of the Holy Spirit. So may the Holy Spirit, come and fill us with our good LORD God's characteristics, comfort and help.
LORD God, fill us with Your attributes, fill us with the things that we lack, to be in the likeness of Your holiness and righteousness, that we may live and abide in oneness with You, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
天父, 今天我們藉著耶穌基督的寶血來到祢的天上。我們大膽而充滿信心地前 來。(弗3:12) 因為你的話說,當我們認罪時,你是信實的,赦免我們的罪,洗淨我們一 切的不義。(約翰一書1:9) 今天,我們禱告反對情慾的靈、心裡的情慾、心思裡的情慾、身體裡的情 慾、以及肉體的情慾。 聖經說,肉體的情慾、眼目的情慾、並今生的驕傲(約翰一書2:16)。所 以從今天開始,我們將對抗情慾之靈以及所有其他可能與之相關的性事 物。所以今天,我們要祈禱並放棄這些事情。 今天,我們奉耶穌基督的名,棄絕過去所犯的所有性罪,包括淫亂、自 慰、情慾、變態、幻想和通姦。 奉耶穌基督的名,我們打破一切通姦、變態、淫亂、情慾、亂倫、強姦、 騷擾、賣淫和一夫多妻的咒詛。我們命令所有淫亂的邪靈從我們的胃裡出 來,從我們的生殖器裡出來,從我們的眼睛裡出來,從我們的思想、我們 的嘴、我們的手裡出來,以名義耶穌基督的。 我們現在將身體獻給主耶穌基督,當作活祭。根據羅馬十二章一節,主神 阿,我們今天求你使我們的肢體成為基督的肢體,不叫他們成為娼妓的肢 體,根據哥林多前書六章十五節。我們釋放的愛,神的火,奉耶穌基督的 名,燒毀了我們生命中不潔的慾望。 主神,你斷絕了與前情人和性伴侶不敬虔的靈魂連結。奉耶穌基督的名,你驅逐所有會驅使我們陷入不敬虔性關係的孤獨精神,奉耶穌基督的名。 主上帝,您命令我們祖先遺傳的所有慾望之靈現在也奉耶穌基督的名出來。 主上帝,你奉耶穌基督的名命令一切行邪術的邪靈離開。 願我們善良的主上帝掌管我們的思想,並奉耶穌基督的名捆綁所有幻想和情慾思想的靈。主神,你奉耶穌基督的名趕出一切破壞婚姻、破壞聖約的情慾之靈。 主上帝,您奉耶穌基督的名,將我們從任何精神配偶和夢魘、魅魔的靈魂中驅逐並釋放。主上帝,你現在就奉耶穌基督的名趕出一切敗壞的靈,包括摩押人和亞捫人的情慾之靈。 感謝主上帝,讓我們在生活中接受聖潔的靈,奉耶穌基督的名行事純潔(羅馬書1:4)。主神,你使我們脫離這世界的靈、肉體的靈、眼目的情慾、並今生的驕傲。 主神,你藉著聖靈的能力勝過了世界。根據約翰一書 2:16。主神,我們今天及以後禱告,願我們與基督並我們的肢體一同同釘十字架,願我們不讓罪在我們的身體裡作王。願我們不要因世俗的私慾而違背它,根據羅馬書6:6-12,我們現在祈求上帝的幫助,主上帝啊,所有那些反對我們、反對我們生命的事情,願他們不再今天奉我們主耶穌基督的名來攻擊我們。 噢,天父,主啊,我們勇敢地來到你施恩的寶座前,在我們需要你的幫助和力量的時候,求你用聖靈的能力充滿我們。願我們將我們的時間和生命交託給你。因為你的話說,如果我們順服你,我們就能抵擋仇敵,他就會逃離我們。主神,求你幫助我們將自己的一切以及我們所希望的一切完全順服於你,奉我們主耶穌的名! 因此,我們向天父投降,因為我們是軟弱的,但你是堅強的。我們知道,在我們的弱點中,我們會變得堅強。因為你的話語說,我們的力量不在於我們的意志,無法抵擋魔鬼和許多誘惑。但這是透過對我們的救贖主和救主耶穌基督的信心,因為我們的力量和希望都在祂身上。因此,主神,我們承認我們的力量在於你。 天父,祢的大能,奉耶穌的名,在聖靈的充滿下,我們的主上帝驅逐了所有的想像和邪惡的想法。 我們祈求,從今天起,藉著我們的代禱者主耶穌基督的權柄,撒但試圖攻擊我們的營壘變得無助、無力、無效,無法在我們的生活中運作。 我們的主神今天就奉耶穌基督的名,脫去一切形式的情慾和舊本性,並採用公義、純潔、謙卑和誠實的新本性! 感謝主神,撒旦被耶穌基督打敗了,撒旦永遠在你的腳下。 因著祢的恩典和憐憫,從今天起,罪中情慾的力量就被打破了。天父,我們感謝你聽我們的禱告,醫治我們,並拯救我們脫離仇敵的詭計。 主神啊,我們感謝祢的話語,以及它如何紮根在我們的心中和我們的生活中。我們感謝你給予我們戰勝敵人的力量。我們感謝您賜給我們力量,使我們不會玷污身體(您的聖殿)。感謝你,主神,你恢復了我們,潔淨了我們,並赦免了我們所有的軟弱。我們讚美你,奉耶穌基督的名,現在和永遠都將一切榮耀歸給你。 主耶穌,我們感謝你,你現在就來充滿我們,用聖靈的能力觸摸我們。讓聖靈的能力充滿我們、觸摸我們、重新充滿我們,為每一個邪靈填補那些空虛。我們感謝聖靈,靠著你,單靠你,我們不能奉耶穌基督的名做任何事。聖經說,沒有神的靈,我們的建造就徒然。沒有聖靈的幫助,我們的生活就徒勞無功。因此,願聖靈降臨,用我們良善的主神的特性、安慰和幫助來充滿我們。 主神,求你用你的屬性充滿我們,用你所缺乏的充滿我們,使我們有你的聖潔和公義的樣式,使我們可以奉我們主耶穌大能的名生活並與你合而為一。阿門。
These were thy merchants in all sorts of things, in blue clothes, and broidered work, and in chests of rich apparel, bound with cords, and made of cedar, among thy merchandise.
以西結書 27:24 :
Commentary on this verse:
27:1-25 Those who live at ease are to be lamented, if they are not prepared for trouble. Let none reckon themselves beautified, any further than they are sanctified. The account of the trade of Tyre intimates, that God's eye is upon men when employed in worldly business. Not only when at church, praying and hearing, but when in markets and fairs, buying and selling. In all our dealings we should keep a conscience void of offence. God, as the common Father of mankind, makes one country abound in one commodity, and another in another, serviceable to the necessity or to the comfort and ornament of human life. See what a blessing trade and merchandise are to mankind, when followed in the fear of God. Besides necessaries, an abundance of things are made valuable only by custom; yet God allows us to use them. But when riches increase, men are apt to set their hearts upon them, and forget the Lord, who gives power to get wealth.
27:1-25 那些安逸生活的人如果沒有為苦難做好準備,那將是可悲的。沒有人認為自己是美麗的,就像他們是聖潔的一樣。推羅貿易的記載表明,上帝的目光注視著從事世俗事務的人。不僅在教堂祈禱和聽道時,而且在市場和集市上買賣時。在我們一切的交往中,我們應該保持良心不被冒犯。上帝作為人類共同的父親,使一個國家豐富了一種商品,而另一個國家則豐富了另一種商品,以滿足人類生活的需要或舒適和裝飾。看看當人類敬畏上帝時,貿易和商品對人類來說是多麼的祝福。除了必需品之外,許多東西只有透過習慣才變得有價值。然而上帝允許我們使用它們。但當財富增加時,人們很容易一心專注於財富,而忘記了賜予財富獲得力量的主。
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, We come before Your heavenly places today through the blood of Jesus Christ. We come boldly and with confidence. (Ephesians 3:12)
For Your Word says that when we confess our sins, You are faithful and forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Today, we are praying against the Spirit of lust, lust within our hearts, lust within our minds lust within our bodies, and the lust of the flesh. The Bible says, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). So today onwards, we're going to come against that Spirit of lust and all other sexual things that might be connected to it. So today, we're going to pray and renounce these things.
Today, we renounce all sexual sins that we have been involved in the past, including fornication, masturbation, pornography, perversion, fantasy, and adultery, In the name of Jesus Christ.
We break all curses of adultery, perversion, fornication, lust, incest, rape, molestation, harlotry, and polygamy, In the name of Jesus Christ. We command all spirits of lust perversion to come out of our stomach right now, to come out of our genitals right now, to come out of our eyes right now, to come out of our mind, our mouth, our hands, in the name of Jesus Christ.
We present our bodies to the Lord Jesus Christ right now as a living sacrifice. According to Romans 12:1, LORD God, we pray today that our members are the members of Christ, and we will not let them be the members of the harlot according to 1 Corinthians 6:15. The love we release, the fire of God burns out our unclean lust from our lives, in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You break ungodly soul ties with former lovers and sexual partners. In the name of Jesus Christ, You cast out all spirits of loneliness that would drive us to ungodly sexual relationships, In the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You command all spirits of hereditary lust from our ancestors to also come out now in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You command all spirits of witchcraft that work with lust to leave now in the name of Jesus Christ.
May our good LORD God take authority over our thoughts and bind all spirits of fantasy and lustful thinking in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You cast out all marriage-breaking spirits of lust that would break covenants, in the name of Jesus Christ.
LORD God, You cast out and loosen us from any spiritual spouse and spirits of incubus, succubus, in the name of Jesus Christ. LORD God, You cast out all spirits of perversion, including the Moabite and the Ammonite spirits of lust right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank You LORD God that we receive the Spirit of holiness in our lives to walk in purity, in the name of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:4). LORD God, You loosen us from the spirit of this world, the spirit of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
LORD God, You overcome the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. According to 1 John 2:16. LORD God, we pray today and onwards that we are crucified with Christ and our members also, and may we not let sin reign in our bodies. May we not disobey it with the wordly lusts according to Romans 6:6-12, we ask for God’s help right now that all those things, LORD God, that have been against us ,that have been against our lives , may they no longer come against us today in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, Heavenly Father, we come boldly before Your throne of grace, LORD God, in a time that we need Your help and strength, fill us with the power of Your Holy Spirit. May we submit our time and our lives unto You. For Your word says that if we submit ourselves unto You, that we can resist the enemy, and he would flee from us. LORD God, help us to fully submit ourselves to You all that we are and all that we ever hoped to be, in the name of our Lord Jesus!
Therefore, we surrender unto You, Heavenly Father, for we are weak, but You are strong. We know that in our weaknesses, we are made strong. Because Your Word says that our strength is not in our will, to withstand the devil and the many temptations. But it is by faith in our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ, for our strength and our hope is in Him. Therefore, LORD God, we confess it that our strength is in You. And the power of Your might, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, our LORD God casts out all imagination and bad thoughts.
We pray that satan’s stronghold to try to bring against us, is being rendered helpless, powerless, and ineffective to operate in our lives from today onwards by the authority of our Intercessor, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our LORD God put off all forms of lust, the old nature, and adopt the new nature of righteousness, purity, humility and honesty, today, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Thank You LORD God that satan is defeated by Jesus Christ and satan is always under Your feet. And the power of lust in sin is broken today and onwards because of Your grace and mercy. Heavenly Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers, for the healing, and delivering us from the tricks of the enemy.
We thank You for Your Word, LORD God and how it is established in our hearts and in our lives. And we thank You for giving us the strength over the enemy. We thank You for strengthening us so that we will not defile the body (Your temple). Thank You, LORD God, for restoring us, cleansing us, and forgiving us from all our weaknesses. We praise You and we give You all the glory right now and always,in the name of Jesus Christ.
We thank You, Lord Jesus, that You would just come and fill us and touch us with the power of the Holy Spirit right now. Let the power of the Holy Spirit come and fill us and touch us and fill us afresh, fill those voids for every demonic spirit. We thank the Holy Spirit that through You and You alone, we cannot do anything, in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we build in vain without the Spirit of God. We build our lives in vain without the help of the Holy Spirit. So may the Holy Spirit, come and fill us with our good LORD God's characteristics, comfort and help.
LORD God, fill us with Your attributes, fill us with the things that we lack, to be in the likeness of Your holiness and righteousness, that we may live and abide in oneness with You, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
天父, 今天我們藉著耶穌基督的寶血來到祢的天上。我們大膽而充滿信心地前 來。(弗3:12) 因為你的話說,當我們認罪時,你是信實的,赦免我們的罪,洗淨我們一 切的不義。(約翰一書1:9) 今天,我們禱告反對情慾的靈、心裡的情慾、心思裡的情慾、身體裡的情 慾、以及肉體的情慾。 聖經說,肉體的情慾、眼目的情慾、並今生的驕傲(約翰一書2:16)。所 以從今天開始,我們將對抗情慾之靈以及所有其他可能與之相關的性事 物。所以今天,我們要祈禱並放棄這些事情。 今天,我們奉耶穌基督的名,棄絕過去所犯的所有性罪,包括淫亂、自 慰、情慾、變態、幻想和通姦。 奉耶穌基督的名,我們打破一切通姦、變態、淫亂、情慾、亂倫、強姦、 騷擾、賣淫和一夫多妻的咒詛。我們命令所有淫亂的邪靈從我們的胃裡出 來,從我們的生殖器裡出來,從我們的眼睛裡出來,從我們的思想、我們 的嘴、我們的手裡出來,以名義耶穌基督的。 我們現在將身體獻給主耶穌基督,當作活祭。根據羅馬十二章一節,主神 阿,我們今天求你使我們的肢體成為基督的肢體,不叫他們成為娼妓的肢 體,根據哥林多前書六章十五節。我們釋放的愛,神的火,奉耶穌基督的 名,燒毀了我們生命中不潔的慾望。 主神,你斷絕了與前情人和性伴侶不敬虔的靈魂連結。奉耶穌基督的名,你驅逐所有會驅使我們陷入不敬虔性關係的孤獨精神,奉耶穌基督的名。 主上帝,您命令我們祖先遺傳的所有慾望之靈現在也奉耶穌基督的名出來。 主上帝,你奉耶穌基督的名命令一切行邪術的邪靈離開。 願我們善良的主上帝掌管我們的思想,並奉耶穌基督的名捆綁所有幻想和情慾思想的靈。主神,你奉耶穌基督的名趕出一切破壞婚姻、破壞聖約的情慾之靈。 主上帝,您奉耶穌基督的名,將我們從任何精神配偶和夢魘、魅魔的靈魂中驅逐並釋放。主上帝,你現在就奉耶穌基督的名趕出一切敗壞的靈,包括摩押人和亞捫人的情慾之靈。 感謝主上帝,讓我們在生活中接受聖潔的靈,奉耶穌基督的名行事純潔(羅馬書1:4)。主神,你使我們脫離這世界的靈、肉體的靈、眼目的情慾、並今生的驕傲。 主神,你藉著聖靈的能力勝過了世界。根據約翰一書 2:16。主神,我們今天及以後禱告,願我們與基督並我們的肢體一同同釘十字架,願我們不讓罪在我們的身體裡作王。願我們不要因世俗的私慾而違背它,根據羅馬書6:6-12,我們現在祈求上帝的幫助,主上帝啊,所有那些反對我們、反對我們生命的事情,願他們不再今天奉我們主耶穌基督的名來攻擊我們。 噢,天父,主啊,我們勇敢地來到你施恩的寶座前,在我們需要你的幫助和力量的時候,求你用聖靈的能力充滿我們。願我們將我們的時間和生命交託給你。因為你的話說,如果我們順服你,我們就能抵擋仇敵,他就會逃離我們。主神,求你幫助我們將自己的一切以及我們所希望的一切完全順服於你,奉我們主耶穌的名! 因此,我們向天父投降,因為我們是軟弱的,但你是堅強的。我們知道,在我們的弱點中,我們會變得堅強。因為你的話語說,我們的力量不在於我們的意志,無法抵擋魔鬼和許多誘惑。但這是透過對我們的救贖主和救主耶穌基督的信心,因為我們的力量和希望都在祂身上。因此,主神,我們承認我們的力量在於你。 天父,祢的大能,奉耶穌的名,在聖靈的充滿下,我們的主上帝驅逐了所有的想像和邪惡的想法。 我們祈求,從今天起,藉著我們的代禱者主耶穌基督的權柄,撒但試圖攻擊我們的營壘變得無助、無力、無效,無法在我們的生活中運作。 我們的主神今天就奉耶穌基督的名,脫去一切形式的情慾和舊本性,並採用公義、純潔、謙卑和誠實的新本性! 感謝主神,撒旦被耶穌基督打敗了,撒旦永遠在你的腳下。 因著祢的恩典和憐憫,從今天起,罪中情慾的力量就被打破了。天父,我們感謝你聽我們的禱告,醫治我們,並拯救我們脫離仇敵的詭計。 主神啊,我們感謝祢的話語,以及它如何紮根在我們的心中和我們的生活中。我們感謝你給予我們戰勝敵人的力量。我們感謝您賜給我們力量,使我們不會玷污身體(您的聖殿)。感謝你,主神,你恢復了我們,潔淨了我們,並赦免了我們所有的軟弱。我們讚美你,奉耶穌基督的名,現在和永遠都將一切榮耀歸給你。 主耶穌,我們感謝你,你現在就來充滿我們,用聖靈的能力觸摸我們。讓聖靈的能力充滿我們、觸摸我們、重新充滿我們,為每一個邪靈填補那些空虛。我們感謝聖靈,靠著你,單靠你,我們不能奉耶穌基督的名做任何事。聖經說,沒有神的靈,我們的建造就徒然。沒有聖靈的幫助,我們的生活就徒勞無功。因此,願聖靈降臨,用我們良善的主神的特性、安慰和幫助來充滿我們。 主神,求你用你的屬性充滿我們,用你所缺乏的充滿我們,使我們有你的聖潔和公義的樣式,使我們可以奉我們主耶穌大能的名生活並與你合而為一。阿門。
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