Humble Servant
Jesus why my husband making our life hell because of his job? believe me i try to be patiente but im loosing it. 3 days talking the same , 5 days talking the same, neither at dinner time or lunch time, i tryed to ignore, i tryed to be calm, i tryed to talk him to reason and god forgive me but i start to think he isnt right of his mind and then the parents always nosing do like this and this this, jesus i need to be independente financially, i cant take people bossing our life and noising and i cant take my husband with the constant complaining about his job and boss. from 8 am to 12 am talking the same complaining screaming blaming for months and evrydays... jesus open his head give him wisdom and please help me and my son do a miracle financially in our life, its come to this point that im calm thinking good plans finding a away and afer few seconds my husband phonecall ....its vanish because of so much trouble in my husband head. Please i dont know what i have to do.