When we feel a heavenly touch from God wonderful things happens in our life. We cry aloud, we call on the Lord and start singing praises to Jesus because He is so kind and good to all of us who seek His face during the day and during the night.
Glory to the Lamb.
For You are glorious,
And worthy to be praised.
The Lamb upon the throne,
And unto You we lift our voice.
In praise.
The Lamb upon the throne.
We can see the hand of the Lord in every single situation we are going through, in every experience we have with our family, with our coworkers even in the street we can see God moving along. That is how we find joy through our trials that come to us. Do not come to Him just to bet a nice feeling inside your body, come to Him with a sincere desire to find Him, the touch of the Master is what we all need all the time. Spend quality time wholeheartedly, love Him, praise Him, adore His holy name. When we focus on seeking Him alone, things will change, His presence will flow through us naturally, it will never be something we can make it happen. Then we will really say and feel this....
God is moving by His Spirit, moving in all the earth. Signs and wonders when God moveth. Move on all we need.
O yes, Holy Spirit come flow through all of us and make our life what it ought to be... Holy Spirit of the living God, come and flow though all my body and my soul.
Glory to the Lamb.
For You are glorious,
And worthy to be praised.
The Lamb upon the throne,
And unto You we lift our voice.
In praise.
The Lamb upon the throne.
We can see the hand of the Lord in every single situation we are going through, in every experience we have with our family, with our coworkers even in the street we can see God moving along. That is how we find joy through our trials that come to us. Do not come to Him just to bet a nice feeling inside your body, come to Him with a sincere desire to find Him, the touch of the Master is what we all need all the time. Spend quality time wholeheartedly, love Him, praise Him, adore His holy name. When we focus on seeking Him alone, things will change, His presence will flow through us naturally, it will never be something we can make it happen. Then we will really say and feel this....
God is moving by His Spirit, moving in all the earth. Signs and wonders when God moveth. Move on all we need.
O yes, Holy Spirit come flow through all of us and make our life what it ought to be... Holy Spirit of the living God, come and flow though all my body and my soul.