Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Ezekiel 42:14:
When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the utter court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister; for they are holy; and shall put on other garments, and shall approach to those things which are for the people.
Commentary on this verse:
The symbolism of the temple and the priestly duties in this verse also point forward to the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. He is the true High Priest who brings about a new and perfect temple, not made with hands, where the barriers between the holy place and the outer court are removed, and all are invited to approach God through Him.
In conclusion, Ezekiel 42:14 emphasizes the themes of holiness, separation, transformation, and restoration in the context of the construction and regulations for the temple and its priests. It is a reminder of the need for purity and reverence in our approach to God, and a foreshadowing of the ultimate restoration and transformation that comes through Jesus Christ. The verse serves as a powerful reminder of the sacredness of God's presence and the need for a reverent and transformed heart and mindset in our approach to Him.
I just wish more people knew, that when Jesus is our Lord, you get to skip so many rules... People long for eternal life. They long for purpose. They long for hope. They long for unconditional love.
But while others jump through man-made hoops. They succumb to man-made pressures. They cling to ancient traditions. They reinvent rituals in the hopes of new revelation. They expend untold effort to become special. All the while, Jesus offers freedom from those fruitless rules. Jesus offers to take them to the front of the line, by offering them to join Him in specialness. He offers such a simple way to tear down the wall of profanity, to step into holiness.
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this grace. Thank You so much, for the beauty of the gospel. Open our eyes and ears, to see and hear. Soften hearts to the gospel. Give us the boldness, and wisdom, to share the gospel to those who are spinning their wheels. Help us to show them that You offer life itself. Be glorified in our life. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.
以西結書 42:14 :
這節經文中聖殿的象徵意義和祭司的職責也預示著耶穌基督的最終實現。他是真正的大祭司,他帶來了一座新的、完美的聖殿,不是人手建造的,聖所和外院之間的障礙被拆除,所有人都被邀請透過他來到上帝面前。 總之,以西結書 42:14 在聖殿及其祭司的建造和規定方面強調了聖潔、分離、轉化和復興的主題。它提醒我們在接近上帝時需要純潔和敬畏,並預示著透過耶穌基督實現的最終恢復和轉變。這節經文強烈地提醒我們,神臨在的神聖性,以及我們在接近神時需要一顆敬畏、改變的心和心態。 我只是希望有更多的人知道,當耶穌是我們的主時,你可以跳過這麼多規則…人們渴望永生。他們渴望有目標。他們渴望希望。他們渴望無條件的愛。 但其他人卻在跳過人造的圈套。他們屈服於人為的壓力。他們堅守古老的傳統。他們重新發明儀式,希望獲得新的啟示。他們花了無數的努力來變得特別。自始至終,耶穌都提供自由,讓我們擺脫那些徒勞無功的規則。耶穌提議帶他們到前線,讓他們加入祂的特別行列。他提供了一個如此簡單的方法來推倒褻瀆的牆,步入聖潔。
天父,非常感謝祢的恩典。非常感謝你,感謝你的福音之美。打開我們的 眼睛和耳朵,看和聽。軟化人心接受福音。請賜給我們勇氣和智慧,向那些正在旋轉的人分享福音。幫助我們向他們表明您提供了生命本身。在我們的生命中得榮耀。願祢的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。奉耶穌的名我們禱告。阿門。
When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the utter court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister; for they are holy; and shall put on other garments, and shall approach to those things which are for the people.
Commentary on this verse:
The symbolism of the temple and the priestly duties in this verse also point forward to the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. He is the true High Priest who brings about a new and perfect temple, not made with hands, where the barriers between the holy place and the outer court are removed, and all are invited to approach God through Him.
In conclusion, Ezekiel 42:14 emphasizes the themes of holiness, separation, transformation, and restoration in the context of the construction and regulations for the temple and its priests. It is a reminder of the need for purity and reverence in our approach to God, and a foreshadowing of the ultimate restoration and transformation that comes through Jesus Christ. The verse serves as a powerful reminder of the sacredness of God's presence and the need for a reverent and transformed heart and mindset in our approach to Him.
I just wish more people knew, that when Jesus is our Lord, you get to skip so many rules... People long for eternal life. They long for purpose. They long for hope. They long for unconditional love.
But while others jump through man-made hoops. They succumb to man-made pressures. They cling to ancient traditions. They reinvent rituals in the hopes of new revelation. They expend untold effort to become special. All the while, Jesus offers freedom from those fruitless rules. Jesus offers to take them to the front of the line, by offering them to join Him in specialness. He offers such a simple way to tear down the wall of profanity, to step into holiness.
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this grace. Thank You so much, for the beauty of the gospel. Open our eyes and ears, to see and hear. Soften hearts to the gospel. Give us the boldness, and wisdom, to share the gospel to those who are spinning their wheels. Help us to show them that You offer life itself. Be glorified in our life. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.
以西結書 42:14 :
這節經文中聖殿的象徵意義和祭司的職責也預示著耶穌基督的最終實現。他是真正的大祭司,他帶來了一座新的、完美的聖殿,不是人手建造的,聖所和外院之間的障礙被拆除,所有人都被邀請透過他來到上帝面前。 總之,以西結書 42:14 在聖殿及其祭司的建造和規定方面強調了聖潔、分離、轉化和復興的主題。它提醒我們在接近上帝時需要純潔和敬畏,並預示著透過耶穌基督實現的最終恢復和轉變。這節經文強烈地提醒我們,神臨在的神聖性,以及我們在接近神時需要一顆敬畏、改變的心和心態。 我只是希望有更多的人知道,當耶穌是我們的主時,你可以跳過這麼多規則…人們渴望永生。他們渴望有目標。他們渴望希望。他們渴望無條件的愛。 但其他人卻在跳過人造的圈套。他們屈服於人為的壓力。他們堅守古老的傳統。他們重新發明儀式,希望獲得新的啟示。他們花了無數的努力來變得特別。自始至終,耶穌都提供自由,讓我們擺脫那些徒勞無功的規則。耶穌提議帶他們到前線,讓他們加入祂的特別行列。他提供了一個如此簡單的方法來推倒褻瀆的牆,步入聖潔。
天父,非常感謝祢的恩典。非常感謝你,感謝你的福音之美。打開我們的 眼睛和耳朵,看和聽。軟化人心接受福音。請賜給我們勇氣和智慧,向那些正在旋轉的人分享福音。幫助我們向他們表明您提供了生命本身。在我們的生命中得榮耀。願祢的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。奉耶穌的名我們禱告。阿門。