Let Us Pray: In Jesus' name, “May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord heal and deliver us in the areas we each stand in need of healing and deliverance. May the Lord be gracious unto us, making His face shine upon each of us, and give us His great peace. May we live, walk, think, speak, and pray as children of Jehovah, the only true and living God. May we be blessed with the mind of Christ Jesus, Jehovah's Son, our Savior, Lord, the Author, Perfecter, and Finisher of our faith. May we dress for success daily wearing the whole armor of God and the signet ring of royalty. May God’s truth, love, grace, mercy, wisdom, integrity, blessings, peace, joy, and protection be our portion and rest upon our lives. God do this for me, all those I love, and the writer of this prayer. Honor this prayer over each of our lives today, tomorrow, and for always. Amen. Let it be so by faith.”