Sister, please take this in love. Good parenting is hard and the following will be hard (bc it will involve CHANGE for you) but it seems you're having it hard anyway.
I don't know his age, but an elementary school child should not be on the internet without your permission - period. Otherwise, who is parenting whom? Tell him "Off, now".
I prayed for you both.
Even High School age, the rules change some , but you're the adult. You make/ they follow YOUR rules.Your house. Your rules. **He simply knows you will cave based on history. CHANGE now. It will be a fight for a while bc he's used to his way. But CHANGE now or you're in for an even wilder teen years! I was a single mom of twin boys from infancy. Together we prayed, read the Bible, always went to church together and followed Jesus' lessons and guidance. **Jesus had boundaries and gave CINSEQUENCES** (eg He was legitimately angry when His Temple became a market). They are good grown men with children of their own now. You are the adult. Respectfully, I ask you to please take the difficult adult role.